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Unnamed RPG

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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
BD-RPG have started work on a top secret game with no title at the moment. All graphics will be custom and all ideas and storylines unique. Please visit the site for monthly reports and tasters of what will be included in the game at www.bdrpg.tk.  Also you will be able to find demos on there when they are made. Please feel free to use the forum to give us any ideas you may have or email us on bd-rpg@mail.com. There is also a competition in the forums to come up with a name for it
Ok people heres the deal we need a name for our game. It is about war between good and bad and set in the medieval times. The prize for the best will be a chance to be featured in the game and the credits and be honourarily placed on our website so please leave your suggestions here along with your e-mail addresses.
That is the post on the BD-RPG forums. You will need to register to the forums to suggest a name.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2006, 04:10:47 PM by dannyg »

Level 89
I wish you luck  :)

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Thankyou man :D

Level 89
I is my hero!
why don't you use RM2KTOOL to name your RPG

It produces names like "Soldier's Nemisis"

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
There are two reasons for that question.
1. RMTool usually comes up with the worst things ever.
2. A competition where the winner is put in the game and mentioned on the website is nicer for the fans and provides alot more social interactiveness in the creation of the game (if you get what i mean). As part of the social interactiveness with the creation of the game there is a "Have Your Say" forum where fans can request specific things for us to try and implement in the game therefore making our game try and suit everyone.
Thanks for the question, it was actually a good one lol

Level 89
you didn't include enuff info about the game :P

Quote from: Yossy

also if ur only asking for a name I don't think this is the right section of the forum...
« Last Edit: October 22, 2006, 05:13:16 PM by thingy »
Zypher, Veltonvelton, and Dalton are secretly having a homosexual affair in hidden messages just like this one
research shows Fu is also involved, but not in a gross and creepy way

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
I dont really want to give too much away but any name based around that information will do as a suggestion
:) thanks

Level 89
next time check the rules for the section ur posting in
Zypher, Veltonvelton, and Dalton are secretly having a homosexual affair in hidden messages just like this one
research shows Fu is also involved, but not in a gross and creepy way

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
I will have to lock topic if you don't post character plot, story and a few screenies.

Hint: Not many people will join/take you serious if you write "Unnamed RPG". Better just use any name and change it afterwards if you have a better one.

I will ignore this time that you advertise without 30 posts on your post count.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2006, 09:00:36 PM by Blizzard »
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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
sorry there are no screenies atm as it is still in design progress but the story goes like this... there is a war the dark warriors against the warriors of the phoenix and you pick to play as a member of either one i cant really go into detail as the story changes for each side but basically you have to go on quests and if you pick the good side try to bring peace to the land or if you pick the dark warriors you have to take over the land rather than bring peace if ya get what i mean. The characters are all descendants of the corresponding royal familys(dark warriors or warriors of the phoenix) and are loyal to their heritage. The dark warriors will use mainly dark magic and be in league with demons while the warriors of the phoenix will use light magic and worship a god which as you probably guessed is a phoenix lol.
thank you for disregarding the 30 post rule :)

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
I see. Ok, you could at least inlcude in your first post that the story depends on your actions. But you should include some plot and describe a few of the playable characters a littl bit. At least one of them.
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