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Converting .m4p files to .mp3

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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
   I just recently started using iTunes after I had to Nuke 'N Pave (i.e. format C: and reinstall Windows), but to my dismay it doesn't recognize my Olympus m:robe. Stupid me to not think ahead before ripping my CDs there instead of in m:trip, the software for the player. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows how to convert the .m4p files from iTunes into .mp3 files. I've heard of using some program to record it right off the sound card, but I'd rather not have to play 250+ songs through. I also tried re-ripping all my CDs into m:trip, but even after it said they were ripped I came out with only 38 songs. D:

Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

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Level 102
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Why are you paying for music o_0

Anyway, songs bought from iTunes have DRM applied to them, in order to protect them. There's ways to crack iTunes DRM, though I'm not silly enough to ever have bought songs from there so I've never come across that problem and so I've never bothered researching how. I'm pretty sure it's possible though.

Google is your friend.
bringing sexy back

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Google is your SEXUAL friend. That's why it always wants to be searched.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Why are you paying for music o_0

Anyway, songs bought from iTunes have DRM applied to them, in order to protect them. There's ways to crack iTunes DRM, though I'm not silly enough to ever have bought songs from there so I've never come across that problem and so I've never bothered researching how. I'm pretty sure it's possible though.

Google is your friend.
I pay for music of artists that I like and don't want to rip off. Evanescence and Enya, for example. I have LimeWire, and, like... four songs from it? o. o

Quote from: arrowone
Google is your SEXUAL friend.
Good, I need one. :'(
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 92
The Return of Mandy
Heh, its almost funny. You do it the legal way, pay 99 cents, you get DRM, and can't copy your files. You do it the illegal way and you get to copy your files, no DRM, and its free!  :lol :lol  :lol:

A harder method would be to burn all the cds, then reripp them. If you were using linux I could right you up a script to change them.

Where there are no gold stars, demerits, or infractions. <3

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I pay for music of artists that I like and don't want to rip off. Evanescence and Enya, for example. I have LimeWire, and, like... four songs from it?

I'm sure bands as popular as Evanescence and Enya don't need your $1 to stay successful.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Heh, its almost funny. You do it the legal way, pay 99 cents, you get DRM, and can't copy your files. You do it the illegal way and you get to copy your files, no DRM, and its free!  :lol :lol  :lol:

A harder method would be to burn all the cds, then reripp them. If you were using linux I could right you up a script to change them.
Yet another reason for me to start using SuSE 10.1... at least I believe that's the latest version. My cousin's ex boyfriend got a new laptop and that what's he's running on it. He's in love with it. :D

Anyway, I just re-ripped all my CDs. God, did that take some time. But if I ever buy more music, I shall be pwnt by "The Man." D:

Quote from: Zypher
I'm sure bands as popular as Evanescence and Enya don't need your $1 to stay successful.
True, but I feel bad when I download music off, say LimeWire. Dunno why. Stupid morals...
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 92
The Return of Mandy
For all the linux savvy out there heres a linux sh script to convert your mp4s to mp3s. You need to have faad and lame installed. I do not take credit for this script as I am not the origional author.

Code: [Select]
  for i in *.m4a
    faad -o - "$i" | lame -h -b 192 - "${i%m4a}mp3"

Drop it in the folder with your mp4 files then from the command line. What it does it pipe the uncompressed output from the AAC decoder (faad) to the mp3 encoder (lame).


Where there are no gold stars, demerits, or infractions. <3