Ok. Well, so far I hink I have done pretty good for a beginning. But there are a few things that are still wrong. Im using RPG Maker XP - Postality Knights Edition ENHANCED.
1. How can I set it up to where at the beginning of the Intro Cutscene that you dont see a sprite, but after I make the door open sound, the sprite appears?
2. For some reason during my Intro Cutscene, when the old man sprite moves right it doesnt show animation? Any idea why?
3. How can I set it to have the name of the town appear when ever you enter the outside. (IE: You enter a town, Name appears somewhere and then disappears.
4. I have a gaurd that has the following set up:
<>Message: Gaurd: Do you know the pass word?
<>Show Choices: Yes, No
: [Yes] Handler
<>Message: Gaurd: Ok then...
<>Message: Gaurd: What's the password?
<>Input Number : [003: Password], 4 Digits
<>Conditional Branch: Variable [003: Password] == 1967
<>Message: Gaurd: Ok, you can pass.
<>Move Event:: [Gaurd]
: : <>Lock Facing OFF
: : <>Face Right
: : <>Wait: 10 frames
: : <>Move Right
: : <>Face Down
: : <>Lock Facing ON
<>End Event Processing
: Else Handler
<>Message: Gaurd: If you don't know the pass word then don't bother me.
: End
: [No] Handler
<>Message: Gaurd: If you don't know the pass word then don't bother me.
: End
I need to know how to end this event after you enter the password right and have him say "You can pass" only. I already got everything to work, its just at the end he just gives you the same options and repeats the process.
5. After one of my cutscenes after you meet your first party member, I have an explosion that goes off, everyone in room jumps.... then nothing changes (Mainely because I don't know what to do). What I want is to have everyone in the room start moving around fast all paniced and have a different message when you speak to them.
If you can help me with any of them plz do.