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Registration is disabled. The site will remain online, but eventually become a read-only archive. More information.

RMRK.net has nothing to do with Blockchains, Cryptocurrency or NFTs. We have been around since the early 2000s, but there is a new group using the RMRK name that deals with those things. We have nothing to do with them.
NFTs are a scam, and if somebody is trying to persuade you to buy or invest in crypto/blockchain/NFT content, please turn them down and save your money. See this video for more information.

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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Thought I would officially introduce myself and I am stealing Morris's templet for some facts.

Name: yatzin
Aliases: Nah
Sex: Male
Race: gringo
Birthdate: October 11th,,,   just missed it!
Birthplace: nah
Location: US - CO
Height: 5.8
Weight: silly question... <200 lbs
Shoe Size: 8ish
Eye Color: depending on mood blue/green/gray
Hair Color: what hair?
Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: three tats, four piercings.
Dating/Marital Status:  live in girlfriend... soon to be fiance
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Family: family all over US
Pets: 1 dog Leo, 3 birds Loco, Suena, & peewee
Occupation: Senior in college - applied computing technology degree in works,part time meaningless work
Favorite Color: dark blue
Favorite Movie: i dunno
Favorite Band/Musician: i listen to all types of music ..
Favorite Video Game: i enjoy many of the classics and lots of new original games
Favorite Book: whats a book?
Favorite Food: a big fat juicy steak
Favorite Beverage: diet coke addict
Favourite Cartoon: adult swim
Favorite Sound: the laughter of a deaf person... it is soo pure and unbiased.
Favorite Smell: the smell of my dogs paws.
Preferred RPG Maker: RPGXP
Preferred Web Browser: firefox
Preferred Email Service: gmail
Vegetarian?: hell no
Where you've traveled: all over continental us and tahitti
Hobbies: not much time for this, school/job/java programming...  but..  rpgmaker/playing games
Useless Facts: stupid people annoy me.  I hope morris punches them for me.

anyway, school consumes lots of my time, and the gf consumes the rest...  then when she sleeps, I hope on the computer and work to the wee hours on my game or play allot of the newest games..  I am what you call a software pirater..  cant afford buying stuff so i know all the chanels of finding the good stuff...  flame away, i dont care!

I love Firerain
Level 97
Welcome Dawg!
Arlen is hot.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

Level 91
Personal Text
wtfs up wit that!

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
rofl,,,  thats ... um.. interesting..

Level 91
God of Dicks
Welcome to crankeye!

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Heloo and Welcome to crankeye.

(Silver won't let me advertise any more)

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
-gaspeth at arrowone- I didn't get that kewl pic for MY welcome! -sniffle-


Welcome to Crankeye, yatzin.
Signature in progress, but rest assured it will relate to Evanescence.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

I got lazy, heh.

Art Master
Level 90
Hello!!  Welcome to Crankeye!  8)

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Long post ahead.  :lol:

I am someone who posts humongous welcome posts. To start off with things, you'd be wise to read this, so you don't get in trouble for doing something you had no idea about.

Also a thing to be aware of. It had dimmed down lately, but you'd be best prepared for everything. Don't be offended if a number of people flame you, it basically means nothing. Why they're allowed to is beyond my understanding.

Don't be offended by fumanchuu and others not being afraid to hide their sexuality, they just like a place to say it seemingly. Use the search button to find answers to questions that you might have. Who knows, it Might have been asked already. That helps avoid people from flaming you or dumbing you down.

Follow the rules..and don't join the flaming crew. If people say something, that relates to an incident that might HAVE happened in the past on this forum, you might be like "what are they talking about." Suggest you get briefed about "Important stuff" so as you don't repeat something people hate. :-\

What a long post. Welcome to the forums, follow that, and no one should bother you. Except those that have nothing better to do then that, but just ignore them.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2006, 01:43:05 AM by deadly_diablo »
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