Now select message and type something like "Hello, here is a potion." Now click change items on the same page. So when your done it should look like this.
Now test play.
Cool you got an item.
AdvancedWARNING: Anything you do from here on out gets pretty confusing. Be cautious of what your doing! You are responsible for whatever mess you create!
Event Commands (This get's pretty tricky if you don't know what your doing)
Page 1:(Map based commands)
1-1-1: Message- This is where you type your messages that an event will say.
1-1-2: Show Choices- This is where you can create a 2 to 4-choice based message. You can even disallow a choice here. Once you've typed the name of each choice, you will be asked to fill in the handler (condition if this selection is met). Each choice has it's own handler for the selection the character makes. For instance if you have an event that says a message like "Will you get me a potion?" and your 2 choices are Yes and no, then you must create a section for each yes and no.
1-1-3: Input Number- This is where you may store your variables. If you click on the Store in Variable box a new menu will pop up like this
This is where your variables are identified. Each variable has it's unique variable id. You are allowed to name the variable whatever you want. Then you must give the variable a digit number. This means that whatever digit you select will be inserted in that variable.
1-1-4: Message Display Options- This is where you can edit the position of your messages on the map. You can even change it to where it doesn't show the window. It will only show the message itself.
1-1-5: Key Input Processing- This is where the event initiates the Input Number stored in the variable specified. If you had a variable named Variable 1 and had the max digits set to 5, then and later in the event you chose to key input process, it would refer back to Variable 1's max digit, which is 5.
1-1-6: Wait: This is how long the event will wait (by frames, not by seconds. Side note: 20 frames = 1 second)
1-1-7: Comment: This is where you can post your comments. Personally I don't use this. But it's there so what the hey.
1-1-8: Conditional Branch: This is a very tricky command. You shouldn't mess with this until you've learned about switches, variables, local switches, timer, etc.
1-1-9: Loop- This is where a loop is created. I wouldn't use this command too much as it is literally a loop. It will keep doing what you put in it.
1-1-10: End Loop- This is where a loop is ended
1-1-11: End Event Processing- This is where your event stops processing whatever it was doing.
1-1-12: Erase Event- This is where your event is erased from the map. Use this at the very end of any event that would vanish from the map.
1-1-13: Common Event- This is where your common events are called. See Common event under the Database section.
1-1-14: Label- This is where your able to create a label. A label is sort of like a checkpoint.
1-1-15: Jump to Label- This is where your event jumps back to the label you specified.
1-2-1: Switch Operation: This is basically what it says. This is a trigger command. Let's say for example an event wants the hero to kill a ghost, and when he does he'll give the hero a potion. He will not give the hero a potion until the ghost is killed. This is where switches come in handy. The event would go something like this.
-Create two events. Name one Potion guy and the other Ghost. Make sure they have a graphic or you won't see the event.
-Create a message in the potion guy event and say something like "Kill a ghost and I'll give you a potion!"
-Use the switch command and create two switches and change the names to whatever you want. Make sure that the first one is turned on. We will use the second one later.
-Create a new page in the same event (Potion guy) and keep the same graphic. Now look here.
-This is the precondition menu. This means that if any of these boxes are checked, that precondition has to be met. In other words unless that switch, variable, or local switch has been turned on or that condition has been met, then that event will not begin.
-Select the first precondition box named Switch and select the second switch you created.
-Create a message with something like "You did it! Here's a potion!"
-Use the event command change items (1-2-6) and give the hero a potion.
-Now go to the event named ghost and choose enemy encounter (3-1-1). Then under the victory handler turn switch 2 on.
-Try to test play this. Easy as pie. Remember you can also use a range of switches.
1-2-2: Variable Operation: This is where your variables are edited. You can select a specific variable your a range of variables. Remember that a variable is NOT a number, instead it is a container for a number.
-This is the variable operation menu. The operator is the sign that will be used in this particular variable. The operand is the amount that will be used with the sign in the variable. You can even have an operand that is equal to another variable that stores a number. You can have it to where this variable is a constant, equal to another variable, and a random number, but you can also change it to where an item is possessed, a hero and his level, etc. Remember the operator will change that characteristic of the operand using the operator for that variable.
1-2-3: Local Switch Operation: Local switches are the same as switches but that they are only allowed in the event you specify. There are four local switches (A,B,C,D). You can use the local switch on another page in the same event, but not in another event in itself.
1-2-4: Timer Operation: This is a timer command. Basically you specify where the timer will start and it will count down to 0.
1-2-5: Change Money: This is where your allowed to increase and decrease the amount of money your party has. Simple ya? Remember you can even use variables instead of constants.
1-2-6: Change Items: This is where your allowed to increase and decrease the amount of certain items your party has. Simple ya? Remember you can even use variables instead of constants.
1-2-7: Change Weapons: This is where your allowed to increase and decrease the amount of certain weapons your party has. Simple ya? Remember you can even use variables instead of constants.
1-2-8: Change Defense Items: This is where your allowed to change the armor your party has. Remember you can use variables instead of constants.
1-2-9: Change Party: This is where your allowed to change the members of your party.
1-2-10: Change Windowskin: This is where your allowed to change the windowskin you see.
1-2-11: Change Battle BGM: This is where you can change the battle music you hear when in a battle.
1-2-12: Change Victory ME: This is where you can change the victory sound you hear when you win a battle.
1-2-13: Allow/Disallow Saving: This is where you can allow or disallow saving. Ner?!
1-2-14: Allow/Disallow Main Menu: This is where you can allow or disallow your main menu when you press Esc.
1-2-15: Allow/Disallow Encounters: This is where you can allow or disallow enemy encounters.
Page 2:(Character/Map manipulation)
2-1-1: Teleport: This is the command you use when you move a party from one map (or part of a map) to another map (or another part of the same map). Let's take a peak at this.
Create a new map (29). Right click the folder and select New Map. Fill it with green (or whatever your character can walk on).
Right click the first map and set party starting position to whatever you want (make sure your character can walk on it).
Create a new event on the same map with a message like "I'm going to send you to hell!"
Add the command teleport with a coordinate system on the second map. You can click the specific location box move the party to a particular spot, or give it a direction using variables. Facing means what way will your party be facing when they are teleported to the coordinates you sepcify. Fading means will the screen fade out and fade back when the party is on the second map. Try it out if you'd like. Cool.
2-1-2: Change Event Location: This is where your allowed to change an event, other than your party to a specific location. You can also trade places with another event. It's pretty much the same as teleport.
2-1-3: Scroll Map: If the dimensions of the map the character is on is bigger than the screen (in other words if you can see all of the map) your allowed to scroll the map in the direction you want. Pretty cool for intros or something. You can also change the speed if you want.
2-1-4: Change Map Settings: This is where your allowed to change the map settings of the map. You can change the panorama, create fog, or change the battle background.
-Panorama: This is basically a background that you will see when a part of the map is with white squares.
-Fog: Ner?!
-Battle Background: Ner?!
2-1-5: Ting Fog: If you've created a fog setting your allowed to tint the fog any way you want with this command. Transition time means the amount of frames it will take before it goes from regular to the color you specify, and in between that time it will gradually change.
2-1-6: Change Fog Opacity: Change the opacity of the fog you specified. Opacity means how well you can see it. Transparent means how well it is hidden.
2-1-7: (I'm so tired right now.) Show Animation: This is where the player, or an event will show an animation on the screen. You can edit your animations in the database. I'll get to that later.
2-1-8: Change Hero Transparency: Ner?!
2-1-9: Move Event: Great another mini tutorial. Check it out.
This is what first pops up. Let's make this simple. On the first row, the first 8 is the places where your event (or character depending on what you specify) wll move. Right under that is step foward and step backward. Depending on where your event is facing is whether it moves up, down, left, or right. But it will still be facing the same way as before. Jump is when your character will jump. It's an ugly jump but a jump none the less. Wait you already know. Face is the direction you want that event to face.Turn is the direction you want them to turn. Weird though since it's the same as facing. You've also got switches speed frequency and such. You can mess around with stuff if you want. Just remember to put it to the event you want.
2-1-10: Proceed With Movement- If your in a waiting period you can choose this command to proceed with whatever movement an event was doing.
2-1-11: Prepare Transition: This prepares for the transition you set.
2-1-12: Execute Transition: Execute the transition you set. Choose whichever one you want.
2-1-13: Tint Screen: Tint the screen like you tint your fog.
2-1-14: Flash Screen: Flash the screen the way you want. You can flash it white, black, blue, etc.
2-1-15: Shake Screen: Shake the screen as if there were an earthquake or rockslide. The higher the frequency the harder the shake.
2-2-1: Show Picture: Show a picture from your picture's folder.
2-2-2: Move Picture: Move a picture shown on the screen.
2-2-3: Rotate Picture: Rotate a picture shown on the screen.
2-2-4: Tint Picture: Tint the picture like you tint the screen or fog.
2-2-5: Erase Picture: Erase a picture shown on the screen.
2-2-6: Weather Effects: Built in weather effects can be commanded to show here.
2-2-7: Play BGM: Play a background Music. Remember if you choose this command that you musn't have a BGM in your map properties or both will play.
2-2-8: Fade Out BGM: Fade out background music with fade out time.
2-2-9: Play BGS: Play a background sound. Remember if you choose this command that you mustn't have a BGS in your map properties or both will play.
2-2-10: Fade Out BGS: Fade out background sound with fade out time.
2-2-11: Memorize BGM/BGS: If you decide to use any of these commands and want to return to them put this command right after it. That way rmxp will remember the last played BGM/BGS.
2-2-12: Play Memorized BGM/BGS: Plays memorized BGM/BGS.
2-2-13: Play ME: Play music effect.
2-2-14: Play SE: Play sound effect.
2-2-15 Stop SE: Stop a sound effect from playing.
Page 3:(Party/Hero/Monster statistics manipulation)
3-1-1: Enemy Encounter: Basically if you want to fight an enemy group do that here.
3-1-2: Open Shop Window: Open the shop window scene.
3-1-3: Enter Hero Name: Open the Enter Hero name scene.
3-1-4: Change HP: Change HP of either the entire party or a single character.
3-1-5: Change SP: Change SP of either the entire party or a single character.
3-1-6: Change Status: Change the status effect of the entire party or a single character. You can either inflict it or remove it.
3-1-7: Complete Healing: Completely heal your party or character.
3-1-8: Change Experience Points: Change experience points of entire party or single character.
3-1-9: Change Level: Change level of entire party or single character.
3-1-10: Change Base Statistics: Change the default statistics of a character by either increasing or decreasing a constant or variable.
3-1-11: Change Skills: Change the skills of a character.
3-1-12: Change Equipped Items: Change equipment for each character.
3-1-13: Change Hero Name: Change the Hero's name. This is not the same as Enter Hero Name. You just type in the name you want and it automatically changes. Use this RIGHT AFTER Enter Hero Name so that the name can actually change.
3-1-14: Change Hero Class: Change the class of a character.
3-1-15: Change Hero Graphic: Change the gaphic of a character.
3-2-1: Change Monster HP: Change all or one Monster's HP.
3-2-2: Change Monster SP: Change all or one Monster's SP.
3-2-3: Change Monster Status: Change Monster's status effect.
3-2-4: Completely Heal Monster: Completely heal a monster or all monsters.
3-2-5: Show Hidden Monster: Show a hidden monster on the map.
3-2-6: Transform Monster: Transform say a ghost to a basilisk.
3-2-7: Show Battle Animation: Show a battle animation on the map
3-2-8: Damage Dealing: Deal damage to an enemy or character by either a constant or variable.
3-2-9: End Battle: Ner?!
3-2-10: Open Main Menu: Open the Main Menu. This will bypass Allow/Disallow Main Menu
3-2-11: Open Save Menu: Open the Save Menu. This will bypass Allow/Disallow Save Menu
3-2-12: Game Over: Ner?!
3-2-13: Return to Title Screen: Ner?!
3-2-14: Call Script: Call a script for the script editor (We'll have a separate section for this.)
Basically these are the event commands you can use in an event. Other things you should know about.
Pages: Each event can have up to 99 pages. That means that an event with a girl graphic can be on one page and once a condition is met a guy could become the graphic on the next page.
Movement Pattern: You can move your event around here. Personally I just use the command Move event but this is a little easier.
Options: Movement or stopped animation is obvious. Lock facing is obvious. Phasing means is this graphic using all four graphic icons of the same type you specified. For instance a crystal that is floating needs the phasing box checked, otherwise it will be still. Always on Top means will this event always be on top of everything.
Trigger: Action key is if the space bar is used when the hero is next to this event. Hero touch means this event will begin when the hero stands directly next to it. Collision means this event will begin when the event and the hero will run into each other.
Auto-Start: This is the bitch of everything. Everyone who uses this is whack. (jk.) Anywayz this means that this event will happen as soon as the hero is on the same map with the event. You won't be able to move if you have this on. It will keep repeating (like loop but without ending).
Parallel Process: This is what you should always use if something is starting right away. If you use this instead of auto-start everything will still update itself, including the event with the parallel process, which in turn, will allow you to keep playing the game without staying in one spot. Also if you have an event that does one thing and after that have another event that does something right after that you use Parallel Process. Parallel Process is used mostly with switches and variables. Remember that!
End of Mini Tutorial (I'm gonna go levitate)