The Hinterlands
First off i would like to say that i am fully aware of my ranking, please do not critisize me about it, this game "The Hinterlands" has now been cleared up and now is in developement i would like to get a few good people to help me below is a list of the people i need[/center]
sprite maker
person who is adept in RPG maker XP
Custom Logo, Title and Game Over Screen Maker
Credits Writer
(Possible) Person who will useful to me for various reason all will be fully credited and made into NPC in the Game, the game if good enough will be online for Net Multiplayer
PM me with your skills and you will be hired i need many people not just one so hurry
General FAQ
What is the Hinterlands?
The Hinterlands is a small multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). in the Hinterlands, thousands of players will have the opportunity to adventure together in an enormous, persistent game world, forming friendships, slaying monsters, and engaging in epic quests that can span days or weeks or even months.
What is an MMORPG?
MMORPG stands for massively multiplayer online role-playing game. In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time. This creates an incredibly rich and active environment in which interesting things are constantly taking place. MMORPGs provide thousands of hours of game play, with a nearly infinite variety of goals to achieve across a vast world covering miles of land and sea. For The Hinterlands, we will also be adding new content on a regular basis, thus ensuring that there will always be new adventures, new locations, new creatures, and new items to discover.
How will The Hinterlands differ from other MMORPGs?
The Hinterlands will differ from other MMORPGs in many ways. Players will be able to complete quests and experience the world at their own pace, whether it be a few hours here and there or entire weeks at a time. Additionally, our quest system will provide an enormous variety of captivating quests with story elements, dynamic events, and reward systems. The Hinterland will also feature a faster style of play, with less downtime and an emphasis on combat and tactics against multiple opponents. I also plan to incorporate several unique features, which I disclose throughout the course of development.
Why is The Hinterlands free?
The Hinterlands is free because I didn’t have to pay for help and it’s hosted for free but as it becomes more popular I may add fee’s for paying for hosting and other things.
How will the game be distributed or sold?
Gamers will be able to Download online sites, or directly from AJA Entertainment.
Will I be able to use my The Hinterlands discs on my Mac and PC?
No not at the moment there, they will be later on in game development
What forms of currency will there be?
Currently there is gold, silver, and copper. And in case you were wondering, there are a lot of things you can buy with your money, including training, equipment, profession recipes, profession components, extra space at your bank, and more.
What is the level limit??
The character level limit is 99
How many characters are allowed?
The Limit is what ever your computer space will handle as this game is packed full of data you may need to make room to have more than 1
Can you tell us more about what options are customizable on your character when you create it?
We don't want to overwhelm players with too many choices when they start off. That's why we are concentrating on features that players will notice right away.
Can players customize the height & weight of their characters?
Height and weight is not changeable due to how it affects character animations and items on the character. We wanted to concentrate on making each race's animations distinct and special, which meant working on unique models and not allowing changing of height and weight. If we allowed that, then the result would be wonky-looking or distorted movement when the animations were applied to an inappropriately sized model.
How long can your name be and will last names be available?
All names are restricted to 12 characters. Last names are something we would like to implement in the future for our players, but at this time we do not know if, or when, that might occur and what the criteria would be for acquiring one.
Do characters require food and water to survive?
A character is never required to eat or drink. Nor are there negative consequences for not consuming food and water. However, eating will restore your character's health much faster and give you a small buff to select attributes. Drinking will restore your mana much more quickly as well.
Does a character's gender have any effect on its stats?
No. Males and females are equally effective in all areas of the game.
Does the game have a skill-based or level-based system?
Our goal has always been to incorporate the best elements of both skill-based and level-based systems.
Players can gain levels and abilities based on their class as they level up through the game. Players can also acquire professions, which are skills you can gain through other game play methods, such as seeking mentors or by completing quests. These extra skills may not always be related to the player's class.