So, your theory on time is... ( i'll use a simple example) that the 4th deminsion is like a flip book of the 3rd deminsion. Each page is a frame of the universe, they all exist with each other, but the others can not be seen. But that's the 3 D. we live now, but 4 D. allows us to be conscience of the other pages of life.
I also began a theory that time is actually a type of energy, like fire or light, and not a force like gravity. Another thing, what is gravity. Scientist truelly don't know what creates gravity, but just now that it exists and humans live by it.
I also have other of countless theories, one of a possibily of time travel. The problem of not seeing people from the futrue here in the past is...
The time machine has to record the calculated data of our existance from one point in the future to the remainig future. That would be the only places to time travel through.
The free will bit is really intruiging. (Excuse me for my spelling, I'm real fatigued and in the Army, stress levels are high)
Well, I don't mean bit, but the topic itself is real intresting. Also a couple of friends of mine said that God (him or her self) created science so that humans wouldn't go insane, but left out enough so that we wouldn't be able to discover things untill God wanted humans too.
I just thought of this, what if time and gravity were one. That they are acually the same thing. Time and gravity are a type of energy and that each thing in the universe has their own type of time, wich would explain why earth has a certain type of gravity than other planets. When astronauts leave earth and go to space, they become younger when they return back on earth. One instance was that an astronaut had a twin brother who was younger than him by three seconds, and since he has gone to space so many times that he became younger than his younger twin. Which also "proves" the twin theory when someone travels the speed of light and returns back on earth that what felt to them a single minute was actually a century on earth. Sorry, but I'm rambling on and posting my thoughts. This would mean that when leaving earth, space itself (the empty spots) time radiates there but not as much it would normaly would on the surface. The time differnece would be nanoseconds, because the energy that radiates from our solar system means combines to make a certain type of rythme of energy. This energy also compreses space to make our reality of the 3rd demension we live in. By gravity it pushes on the time frames, thus making us believe that we are moving through time, this energy also give earth its shape. But since we can't really land on another plant in a different system, this theory is yet to be proved.
Another words, the farther away from the solar system, time fades away to non existance untill the next system radiates it's time.
This may sound like nonsense and rubish, but most of ya'll are opened minded and seem to listen to what people have to say and think about it.