I won't give my credit card number out. -_-
I'll let you play for free if you could help me out with some scripting and things, right now all I need is a mouse movement script, and a basic code to display the HP Bar & MP Bar, EXP Bar at all times, that you can place anywhere on the screen.
Other than that I generally don't need any help unless people are good at spriting because I'm going to need some more monsters sooner or later.
New Online FeatureEasy Daily Add-On Updates- I've decided on doing this because the game is an MMORPG so it should be by default that their are plenty of maps, so since there are only around 40+ maps at the current time, I'm going to have updates daily, available through the client, for people to update their games.
Possible Server HostsD-Rad Provided By Lord_Cloud
Beta Release CountDown: 3 Days Dependancy On Lord_Cloud's DecisionTo those who wish to help, you can help by contacting Lord Cloud telling about your anticipation of this project. This will show him that hosting Aerion is a worthy investment. Though the earlier he accepts me, the earlier everyone gets to play.