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Children Of The Sin

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Art Master
Level 90
=========Children Of The Sin=========


Age: 16
Gender: Male.
Weapon: His Father's sword.
Bio: When he was but a young boy a terrible fate was bestowed upon him.  It was his birthday, the happiest time for him: it was a time when his family was finally all together.  They were finally able to spend time with one and other.  Seeing as how his father was usually always away from home and his mother was busy with other things...they did not spend much time together, at all. 

It was going to be a suprise: the sword in which Lance was fascinated with.  Sure, swords were a bit dated...but Lance seemed to always prefer them.  It was his fathers: a sword in which held many stories and secrets, buffed up and completely redone to suit yet many years more.  Lance had been sent to town.  His home was away from the rather small town, near a lake which held crystal-clear water and was the perfect place for boating, trouting, and many more activities.  It was more peaceful there.

However...when he arrived home he was indeed granted a great suprise.  A suprise which surpassed all other gifts in his life.  One in which he would never forget.  The grotesque sight of his parents mangled corpse lay before him.  The room was stained with their blood: red rivers of death ran along the floor from their decapitated bodies to form larger pools of the substance.  On the floor, under the severed limbs was a banner marked with the words "Happy birthday" on it.  There had also been a cake on the table, which was by now, blood-covered and ruined.  He had been shocked.  He could not move, breath, think, anything.  Everything had left him.  However, he managed to pull himself together enough to run screaming back to town for aid.  But of course..it was already to late for his parents.

He got help.  But he later thought it useless.  He was given the word he was meant to get as a suprise.  One of the villagers offered to clean it fr him..it was the least they could do.  They offered to help him more, but were rejected.  Lance was now forever stricken with that image engraved into his head.  Burnt there, staying to forever torture and torment him whenever he dared to dream.

Later, when the war started, Lance was forced to join.  And thus begins his story.


Age: 15
Gender: Female.
Weapon: Gun.
Bio: Aika is but a young girl who was taken from her family.  When the war began the soldiers from the GEN society tore through her city, killing everyone who was of no use to them and taking those who were strong enough to fight with them.  It just so happened that Lance had been there.  Lance stopped the soldiers from killing her and brought her back to the base himself.  However...he could not do the same for her family, seeing as they were dead quite a while before he arrived.  She often wonders what his reason was.  Whenever she tries to ask him he ignores her.  She usually gets fed-up with Lance, but still sticks by him.  She is currently in custody of the GEN society.  (GEN being short for Generation).


Age: 23
Gender: Female.
Weapon: Creta and swords.  She refuses to use new-generation technology.
Bio: Anite is a member of TESTAMENT.  This group thinks of the world as a living, breathing organism and refer to it as "Mother Gaia."  They believe that if humans interfere to much with it, then it will defend it's self and wipe everything out.  So, because of this, they are strongly against the GEN Society and their beliefs. 

Anite was sent into the HQ of GEN in order to retrieve and send back information from GEN to TESTAMENT.  She is a sneaky, powerful and strong-minded young woman who will do anything in her power to please her superiors and bring down GEN.


Age: 7-8 in appearance.  In reality he is around 2-3 years of age.
Gender: Male.
Bio: The youngest member of the GEN Society.  He is one of Einte's creations: a homunculus or sorts.  He, unlike the others, refuses to fight .  This is usually suspected to be because of his defection.  He was flawed when he was created and needs a special creta in order to regulate everything in his body.  This stone is embedded into his chest, and is one of his great weaknesses.  He is usually seen gallivanting about the HQ with Aika, trying to keep her company.  To Aika, he is the only one worth talking to at the HQ.


Einte Terrin
Age: 38
Gender: Female.
Weapon: Strong physical and mental abilities.
Bio: (Only a short bio can be given here without giving away to much.)  Einte, while she was younger, studied alchemy with her best friend Blain.  Blain, of course, was considered to be her boyfriend. 

However...one glorious evening they had both finally managed to crack the secret: the secret to creating the philosophers stone.  Once this news got into the hands of of TESTAMENT, however, they quickly took matters into their own hands.  Fearing for the future of their mother, they were quickly ordered by their leader, Wilheim, to hunt down and exterminate the two alchemists before they put their theory's into action.

Einte managed to escape Wilheims grasp...but by the sacrifice of Blain.  She was stricken with sorrow and guilt, feeling that it was her fault that everything happened.  She regretted everything.  But then it finally hit here...if she was to truly create the stone then she could bring him back.  She tried to do so.  She even created a homunculus just in-case it didn't work out right...which it did not.  Her experiments with the stone failed and she was badly wounded.  However, she was able to transfer her soul to that of the Homunculus and obtained an image that sort of resembled her former one.  Doing this, however, drove her to the brink of insanity: If she could do this continuously...then she would forever try the experiment until she managed to bring Blain back.

However, like most people given the taste of power and eternal life, Einte soon forgot about this goal and went on to test her experiments further.  This led to the creation of GEN.

Age: late 30's.
Gender: Male
Weapon: Strong mental abilities.
Bio: Leader of TESTAMENT, Wilheim seeks to bring the secret of the philosophers stone into his grasp so that he can maintain the balance and protect mother gaia from harm.   He is overwhelmingly strong, but usually does not show it unless it is a dire situation.  He sent Anite into the GEN society in order to gather information for his use. 

Wilheim is not considered 'evil' by anyone in particular.  However, he is placed in the villains category of the story.

Lance, a young boy, lost his parents at a young age.  This nightmare forever pesters him, gnawing at him, hoping that he will eventually cave in and submit to the pain.  While growing up he shunned everyone who ever tried to help him.  He was traumatized by what he saw that day and every time he dared to dream it came back to haunt him.  He had been afraid...afraid that something terrible might happen again if he was ever to get close to anyone else...so he just kept to himself.

However, when the war comes about, Lance is forcefully made to join the GEN Society (GEN being short for Generation.)  A society that wished to advance the world and forcefully shove it into the future.  The boy was made  kill and to show no mercy to those opposed GEN, so he eventually was attuned to the sins in which he was made commit: they were part of his daily life now. 

However...while out on one certain mission he happened to come across a young girl:  Aika.  When he saw her something snapped inside of him, it fixed it's self and for one instant showed him something which led him to save her.  Aika was just as confused as he was,  but was never able to pry the answer from him.  Lance was able to convince their leader to not kill Aika, so she took custody inside of the HQ, making friends with one of the children there.  The child was no normal one though, he was a walking weapon, one of the leader's tools.  She saw something in him though...something that no one else had.  He made her feel comfortable and sometimes helped her get to Lance on some occasions.   Even to this day though, Aika still has not been granted her answer.

TESTAMENT, an anti-GEN society that was formed ages before GEN sent one of their best into the innards of the GEN HQ in order to retrieve information and send it back to their leader: Wilheim.  TESTAMENT was a group that thought the world was a living, breathing being and that if GEN continued to do what they did then the earth would punish all humans and purge it's self of it's sickness.

Now, both the past and future will collide to unfold an even greater story.  The story of a boy and a girl who are the keys to mankind's survival and the story of a love that was torn apart by hope. 

And so it begins....


The Title.  It was not made by me.  I think it's quite good =)

CHARACTER ART---------------(None of these are drawn by me.  All credit goes to the artist)




-I shall be doing this on RM2K.  I really love using that maker.  However, if you have a problem with this please say so.

Art Master
Level 90
And heres another screny:

^Some odd place.

the previous map in the making.

Level 90
I have game maker's block PM me with game ideas.
Well,i dont realy like the story much,but it is pretty original. But it needs to be more drawn out more fleshy,if you know what i mean.
And the maps look pretty good.
Can't wait to play the demo.
Major Project : Cliche Cronicles
Total: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Story: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Resources: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Script: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%
Voice Overs: [llllllllllllllllllll] 0%

Currently: Planning

Art Master
Level 90
Well...I useually have problems fleshing it out.  useually, when I do so, I tend to spoil alot of things.  I want to make people guess. 

Kind of odd though.  You say you don't like the story much...and yet you can't wait to play the demo?  ??? lol. 

Anyway, thanks for the reply.

Oh...and, if you were to rate the story from 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, 1 being the lowest; what would you rate it?

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Jeez, kid. How many RPGs are you making?

Art Master
Level 90
One.  Lol. 

This project is the only one I am workiong on now.  I want to focus all mty attention to this one.  I know that, in the past, I've had proplems with making to many.  However, I now only work on one sincgle one. 

Trying to get people interested in it is hard though =/

Level 89
Save the queen!
i think the story is quite good :) and your maps are ok also.I will be keeping an eye on this game but maybe you should consider some of the aspects that could improve your game.Maybe give more detail of your storyline so it will catch more people's attentions so your game will be alot better.

Art Master
Level 90
i think the story is quite good :) and your maps are ok also.I will be keeping an eye on this game but maybe you should consider some of the aspects that could improve your game.Maybe give more detail of your storyline so it will catch more people's attentions so your game will be alot better.


And what do you mean by "give more detal"?  I can't really give any more without spoiling anything.  =\
Unless you mean spice it up some how. 

Art Master
Level 90


Art Master
Level 90
Yay.  I finall yogt myself 4 testers.  A demo should come out in about 1-2 weeks.  TYhoguh it may be abit more than that...

THIS PROJECT IS ON HOLD UNTILL I RECIVE THE NECESSARY ITEMS.  They are in the making, but it might take a good while.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 03:16:19 PM by Lavata »