Sorry for the long silence, folks. Every time i think of releasing the demo, i change everthing :'(
My next post will be the DEMO ANNOUCEMENT. For now, i'll give you folks a what's-on in the production:
- Added animated trigger doors
- finished the labyrinth tilesets and animated waterfalls
- finished 4 interior houses tilesets
- added "RAT TROUP" map characters
- added "Magical evil training doll" monster battler and character
- finished the full forests tilesets
- re-done and finished Alprimerias map houses - including the small military and college buidings (inside and outside)
- added animated battle effects: item use, spell attack, spell use, Hero's special heal, blades and axes attacks and blades and axes specials.
- Almost fully switched all item's icons for 3D counterparts
- finished cleanup and adding of animated backgrounds
- solved the animated fire problem
- added soldiers and guard captain NPCs
...and that's all i remember for now... this still left to be done, and must be, until the release of the demo:
- vendor's cart
- male old NPC (casual clothes)
- Mayor NPC
- Rat King monster battler and character (plus portraits)
- BEHOLDER monster battler and character
- Gelatinous cube monster battler and character.
I think that pretty much will be enough for the demo (sorry - i can't bring myself to make you guys battle only dolls and ratmans), i'll post more images later.
Again, sorry - wait just a bit longer