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RMRK.net has nothing to do with Blockchains, Cryptocurrency or NFTs. We have been around since the early 2000s, but there is a new group using the RMRK name that deals with those things. We have nothing to do with them.
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Level 88
Try this link!


It's fun and free!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2006, 11:19:02 AM by Silverline »

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2011 Most Unsung Member2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
Go away with your queer money making referral crap.

It has no place on this forum.
bringing sexy back

Level 88
I'm sorry, I was only trying to help people... :'(

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2011 Most Unsung Member2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
Oh really :/ you'd be miffed if I put your links back up but stripped your referrer ID.

This forum is only for advertising your own site, not some scheme to try and cheat cash :~)
« Last Edit: September 14, 2006, 12:58:02 PM by Silverline »
bringing sexy back

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Oh SNAP! And thanks for that silverline, now I know that ccbill does not mean I GET a bill...

Level 88
If I was here when that link wasnt deleted then I would have probably screamed tourist trap for some odd reason that makes no sense at all whatsoever

Level 88
I thought I was advertising MY site. I'm sorry if I've done something wrong, I'm all new to this and presumed this was the right place to put it!
And no I wouldn't be miffed and it doesn't happen to be a scheme to cheat cash! I have been scammed and ripped off plenty of times and know what it's like, I don't happen to be like that!
And as I'm new to this, wouldn't it be better to help people rather than being rude and spiteful to everyone?
You seriously have an attitude problem when replying to people, get over it love!
If you're like this on the computer, god forbid what you're like in real life and god forbid the poor person you'll meet or have!

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Which of us? I wasn't trying to be rude, just to break things up a bit...

Level 88
Not you arrowone but silverline.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

Level 91
Personal Text
I thought I was advertising MY site. I'm sorry if I've done something wrong, I'm all new to this and presumed this was the right place to put it!
And no I wouldn't be miffed and it doesn't happen to be a scheme to cheat cash! I have been scammed and ripped off plenty of times and know what it's like, I don't happen to be like that!
And as I'm new to this, wouldn't it be better to help people rather than being rude and spiteful to everyone?
You seriously have an attitude problem when replying to people, get over it love!
If you're like this on the computer, god forbid what you're like in real life and god forbid the poor person you'll meet or have!

Far out seem a bit trying to save your life. Shit. crazee ass biatch.
I dont think he meant to be "mean" he was jsut saying FUCK OFF YOU WHORE!
na im kidding. he was just saying that that dont try to scam people here.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Not you arrowone but silverline.
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Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
...For what, praytell?