Yeah... the Project area doesn't seem to get many hits... I think its this whole Recert to April 2006 thing, its just knocked every thing for Six....
Oh well this seems to have worked... Advertising in another area that is full of people...
(Not that I will make a Habit of it...)
It is a BIG Demo (only 2meg) but gaming wise it takes me about 5 hours playing as Lustat to reach the mainland and I know what I am doing... Lustat is the Hardest to play with starting out... I still need to add in different responces and more transforms for Lustat... But all in all the Demo should give people an idea of what I am trying to do...
1. At Ports is the only place you can swap party members (There is only one port at the mo, Pirate Cove)
2. Speak to Fortune Tellers, their Free tips are always help-ful
3. There is only one person at the moment who can guide you to the Mainland and she is blind... She helps export fish !!!
Happy Playtesting... the games only half finished.... so any suggustions at this stage would be great