Nothing at the moment, but when I'm done it'll automaticly organize your items into the categories -
(Key being Key Items, ie. those that stay with you forever)
To make an item a key item, in its name you just put a space, then "[K]"
For Example, to make key Card change to a key item change the name from (ignore quotes) -
"Key Card"
"Key Card [K]"
EDIT :@Zeriab - If you've read this, you would notice three errors I've made so far -
1 ) I didn't specify @item_size or @rows / @columns
2 ) Coordinates for items are wrong
3 ) Need to rewrite tw and th methods
Also, this isn't an error as much as just not thinking, I need to rewrite what it draws for each item, ie. I forgot to draw the icons, etc.