Call me cold, call me cruel. But I think America brought this on themselves... (I'm not in for trusting government either).
I was sleeping, mum and dad must've been watching the news - the next day mum told me of the collapse of the World Trade Center. And I was like: "I don't really care." I saw it on the news (god, they STILL show it, why delve in the past?) However I did feel some empathy.
Anyway, the days around the collapse were boring as hell - my parents were glued to the TV. How? It's so boring, the same thing over and over - and we are on another freakin' continent. Jeez...
Not long ago I was told about how not long after the people who attacked the towers had more fatalities due to attacks from the US. I actually was pissed off when I found out about this (my memory is hazsy on the victims and their country - think it was Iraq), the first thing I thought was: "So all of a sudden US are more important than Iraq? o_o" So it's okay for the US to kill thousands of thousands of people but not okay when Iraq destroy TWO, repeat, TWO towers. o_O My god... the world is so freakin' screwed - now I know not to trust US. What about these weapons of mass destruction, there aren't any? Oh, what a surprise. I mean it's not like government has ever lied to us before. What a shock! Luckily we have USA to kill off innocent people just to get (was it oil? again memory...) oil. Wow... well that sure is a grand reason, more so for POWER than anything else.
I just reread this and notice I may offend someone, I certainly don't intend to so I have kept the post as is, and in text I appear really, REALLY cold - I'm not, it's just don't expect me to feel too empathetic for something I am not involved in, I feel sympathetic of course, but not empathetic.