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Started by Razuya, September 04, 2006, 05:23:39 PM

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Hey i was woundering how to make it when you start theres black screen and writing saying the story bline and stuff, because the onbly way ive done it is by making an event in front of starting position then you have to walk into it for it to work and it just dosent look good at all. ???

King Anesis

Well place a transparent tile on all the spaces in the intro map, and set the event to Auto Start. Once it's done close it with a switch.

Can you do that by yourself or do you need a more detailed explanation? And what maker are you using?  ???
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And im to not sure about the switch thing.

King Anesis

Alright then, this could be a bit trickier than I had hoped. And next time, please don't double post, just use the edit button, k?  ;)

First go into your database, and for the main hero that you start with, set his/her graphic to a transparent graphic. You'll see why later.

Use the RTP Chipset for Plains for the map that you want to start off black. Yes, you'll need a seperate map for the black screen, unless you want to see the hero, then the screen, which I'm sure you don't want.

Use the tile on the bottom right hand corner to fill up the map. Now, go into your event layer (F8). Right click any tile and use SET Start Party Position.

Now, double click anywhere on the map and the event window will pop up. Where it says Trigger, set it to AUTO START. Here you can use the Message function to show all kinds of messages, texts, stories, or pictures. For the message function, I suggest you use the Message Display Options (1st page of event commands window) > Top/Middle/Bottom > Don't Show. This is to make the background transparent,

Once you've written out your story, you'll need to use Tint Screen (2nd page of event commands window) and set all the bars to the left. Now use Move Event (2nd page of event commands window) > Change Graphic > to whatever you want the starting hero to be.

Use the Teleport function (2nd page of event commands window, first item) to teleport to the map where you want the player to start. (Now you see why I said make a seperate map for the intro). To finish just use Tint Screen again, putting the Red, Green, and Blue bars to 0.

Did that help?
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Yeah that  helped loads, thanx and sorry about double post lol.