Hello everyone, Lei dei how ma
Some people might remember the noob who sucked up to blizzard alot
(well he is a god after all...a pika-rat one atleast)...after saying that some people might remember me..
Well I have some scripts from other forums and I will post them once my notebook's internet starts working again
(I'm using my sis's comp). The only thing I can give back to the community would be scripts..... I will be trying to contribute to the community as much as possiable.
Anyway, some info about me..
Saving scripts I find useful...
Current Project:
Island Crusaders
Anime, Manga, Video Games, DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), Sushi and RPG Maker XP game making.
Racist people, vegimite, people who determine how someone else acts by their apperance and milk/cheese.
Well I hope to be posting alot and till them, cyas and look out for scripts from the previoud forum (once my bloody net works again!!)