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EARTHBOUND (The Totally Awesome Sequel)

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Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
This is Demo Version 1.1 . This demo is a test of the completed first dungeon. Your character is set at the recommended level with the recommended number of items. (You will recieve the items upon entry into the tunnel.) This demo contains:

1. Three Enemies.
2. One PSI skill. (At the cost of zero points. This is because the aim of this demo is to locate bugs, not to simulate the actual game experience.)
3. One Boss. (The boss is a Mani - Mani statue.If you require additional information not included in the synopsis, please post your request below.)
4. One Drug Store.
5. One Telephone.
6. Earthbound style Background animations.
7. One playable character. (Ness)

This demo does NOT contain:

1. Enemies that are able to strike from behind.
2. An opening cut-scene.
3. Diagonal movement. (This should be implemented into the next version.)
4. Item storage.
5. RANDOMLY generated enemies.

Please any suggestions / opinions below. It would be very much appreciated if you explored the game in it's entirety before reporting any errors. Please go out of your way to find something to complain about. It will improve the project in the long run. That being said, enjoy! The (NOW UPDATED) download link is posted below:


Here are a few screenshots...(Edit)...which are now being hosted by imageshack!



(Edit) I've now added an animated example (.gif) of the backgrounds as well, but it's a little short. and is currently being hosted by megaupload. Sorry about that everyone, I realize no one wants to actually have to download a silly picture, but this was the only way i could really do it...


(EDIT) I've just read through the requirments for posting in this forum again, and I learned that I am actually required to type up the plot. I apologize for not noticing sooner, but I had only had a few minutes before I went out to watch the Independance Day Fireworks. That aside, here's the story so far:

It is Ness' birthday. The family is sitting in very positions around the living room as Ness unwraps his gifts. The Characters are introduced via small talk amongst themselves. After the festivities have subsided, the family retires for the day.

Sometime later that evening, Ness is awkened by an annoying knock on the door. Ness then motions to open it, and when he does so he finds Picky Minch. (a character from the Official Earthbound cartridge for the SNES.) He states that he has a letter addresed to Ness from his elder brother, Pokey Minch. (another character from the official Earthbound cartridge, he played the role of the antagonist's top croney.) The letter reads as follows.

'A letter arrived from my brother, Pokey... it is addressed to Ness.
'There's no stamp, and it's not time for the mailman to come...
'Anyway, I brought it over.
'It says, "come and get me, loser!
'Spankety, spankety, spankety."
'...I wonder where he is?

Ness is then told to collect his friends and to search out Pokey.

(From here on until the next plot point, Ness is given the option to roam freely, exploring his hometown of Onett and learning the game's basic mechanics. The following occurs when Ness arrives at the city limits.)

As Ness is about to exit Onett, his neighbor, Lier X. Agerate (another reoccuring character) calls to him. He states that his pet project, a large tunnel underneath his home, has become infested with violent creatures. He asks Ness to assist him with extermination. Ness complies.

This is where the demo begins. The demo will end after you open the door leading out of the Ocean View shack.

EDIT of EDIT: It has come to my attention that certain PCs do not run the game correctly. For future reference, the game was created with RPG Maker 2003, on an HP Pavilion PC running Microsoft Windows XP.

The most useful comments for me right now is going to be something about how to better emulate the original product. (like the one about the enemies following you too far, or that battles need to flow more quickly.) I realize there isn't much there right now, but the caves were mostly to keep people from getting bored.

UPDATE: I'm sorry that there aren't any new maps, there isn't much that I can do without the map of Onett, which purifier is working on now. (I think, he hasn't been replying to my PMs...) So right now I could really use some ideas for improving the major points, like the battle system. (I.E, how do I nix the whole ATB thing?)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 02:53:38 AM by arrowone »

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I think you're working on too many projects dude. This, F-Zero, AND Megaman?

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Well, this is on hold be cause I have to wait on my bro, Megaman is on hold because I am waiting on you, F-ZERO has to wait because of JA, which I will be joining next year.

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Sweet!  Good luck, Arrow.  You know I love Earth Bound.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Yup, I do! I saw another game in here that could have had the same level of success, but I don't know if it's still being continued...

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I'll ask this again. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON ME FOR?

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
I thought you were gonna help?

If I continue to code, what with you being new to the program and all, there's no way you'll be able to just pick it up and start working with me. It will be easiest to develop the engine together, rather than seperately.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Ah, I see.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Good to know. Can't wait to work with you, it'll be my first joint project!

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Good luck to the both of you!  I'd never be able to work with another person in making a game...  Despite popular belief, I'm quite a loner...

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Heh, well that's fine too. BTW, have you had time to do any art?

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
CRUD.  Dude, you know last week was the first week of college, right?  I've hardly had any time to get anything done, besides essays.  In all honesty, I had totally forgotten that I agreed to draw stuff for this.  But now that you've reminded me, I will definitely try to doodle some cool stuff during my classes.  o_o

Do, or do not.  There is no try.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Yeah, school starts for me tomorrow. I don't know how much time I'll have to do the game.

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
I haven't worked on Futaiten in like two weeks...  found some glitches in the first dungeon that I really need to work out...  No wonder people kept telling me they couldn't figure out what to do next, I made it almost impossible...

Anyway, that was completely unrelated.  I'm just trying to say that school takes away way too much precious time that should be put towards making video games.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
All right, that's understandable. I had forgotten you were in your college years...

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Oh yeah~  Check me out, I'm a college gurrrl~

Woot, spam.

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 King of RMRK2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Best Counsel2014 Best Writer2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member2010 Best Writer
I LOVED that demo!
I REALLY want to see this game pull through. Earthbound, Myst and Goldeneye were my top 3 FAVORITES.
I CAN capitalize the second word of every sentance.
I WAS there.
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 88
Geno WAs Born L33t
yea ur demo wont work for my Labtop IT REALLY SUCKS TOO I WANNA SEE YOUR DEMO  :'(

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
You really enjoyed it? That's good to hear...I'll try to get ramen off of his ass, so that we might continue...

Level 88
Geno WAs Born L33t
i want to enjoy your game but labtops suck BTW

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
EARTHBOUND (the completly stupid fangame)

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
      Please keep your biased and misguided opinions to yourself, "qewl"kid. There is no reason for you to clog up MY topic with YOUR bullshit, and you have absolutely NO right to pass judgment on another. Learn your place, then try again.

Level 88
Geno WAs Born L33t
EARTHBOUND (the completly stupid fangame)

Kwelkid (the complete n00b at life)

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
While Qewl isn't necessarily right, he has a bit of a point. Fan games are much harder to pull off successfully, as the game you've based your adventure on is most likely already of high quality, and that'll be quite hard to top. However, I don't think there's anything wrong with them, and Qewl probably derived his opinions from the fact that fan games are usually made by idiotic kids who have no clue how to form their own concepts. There are exceptions, though, and I do believe you're one of them, arrow. He may have acted harshly, but I'm sure he'll have no problem with your game if it's of superhigh quality. Hey look I've made another way-too-long post.

Level 88
Geno WAs Born L33t
you prove a point but he should keep his comments to himself
u don't see anyone Dissing his games or anything  :-\
not that i might not do that but  ;)
sometimes you need to keep your mouth shut (i wish i knew when that time was)