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Kill the person above you

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pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
^ Zacas, lvl 60 Paladin.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
launches /\spell of eternal constipation before dying.
Never Judge a book by it's cover or a game by it's graphics.

The new Mortal Kombat (chalkboard edition)

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
^ Rank 4 Hammer of Wraith

Rep: +0/-0Level 90

Rep: +0/-0Level 90

Level 91
^ a simple man requires a simple death *drains the oxygen out of the room you are in*
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
*puts ^ to ^^ in the room*

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
/\, well, simple, I just choped off your head!

Level 91
*puts ^ in Cube but takes off the darn exit*
(if you watched cube you know what i am talking about, and cube 2 sucked)
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
well, i used my kamehameha and made a hole in the cube and killed /\
while you

Level 91
i just hope you realize the cube would change before you can get to the exit and will prolly kill you before you make enough holes to get out

but since you are magicly here with me

*throws beans on ^ and watch the fat man sitting on him and eating the beans really really slowly and really loud (yeah... THAT kind of loud)*
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
ha!!!!! but i would become an sacred angel, come down to the earth with my rapier and kill/\!!!!!!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
*^gets killed by a bunch of demons*

Level 91
^ gets killed for no good reason
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
^ has to die for my entertainment

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
/\ falls into a pit of spikes
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

Level 91
/\ falls into a spiked dragon named pit
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
*put's /\ in an iron maiden*

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
Sends an Iron Maiden (from Resident evil 4) after /\
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

Level 91
locks /\ in a pokemon movie without being able to move or close his eyes
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
AAAAAAGGGHHH!!!! The horror!!!

Locks /\ in a tellietubbie episode with the same thing.
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

Level 91
nooooo that's it you are going to pay as soon as i can stop the horrible pictures in my head!

throws /\ in a romantic comedy based on real life story from 100 years ago, that was made in french and only has guys in it (yep... that's right.. a gay movie..) with the same things ^^
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
*eyes explode*

AAAAAAGGGHHH!!!!! It burns!!!!!

Locks /\ in a gay porn movie!
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

Level 91
some things are not to be spoken..others are not to be seen, such horror is not to even think of writing such horrible stuff *cries*

locks /\ in a tellietubbie 10 hours long movie about porn, with all sorts of fun fun xmples done by them
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
Oh, God, No!!!!! I can't take it!!! *head explodes*
*falls to the floor twitching*

Locks /\ in the same movie ecept with Pokemon.
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*