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Kill the person above you

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Level 91
smacks /\ on the head with a trout.
Il fait chaud, hein?
Life is very much like a donut; round on the outside, and a hole in the inside.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Eats the trout.

Then wacks /\ with a bulletnboard.
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< Zelda Fan Club

Level 91
Eats the bulletinboard.

Presses the delete button so /\ goes to the bin.
Il fait chaud, hein?
Life is very much like a donut; round on the outside, and a hole in the inside.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Stretches arm and drags /\ into the bin with me.
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Pushes the bin that /\ is in, into miranda's pussy
I'm such a flamer.  I know I am.  I love my flameable self.  Don't try to clean me because I'm especially flameable to Dove soap and any sort of window washers.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
calls Goku to instant transmission me to a safe distance, then pushes /\
into a pool of lava.... 8)
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club

Level 91
Ties a tail to Goku, Goku becomes a huge scary monkey that eats /\.
Il fait chaud, hein?
Life is very much like a donut; round on the outside, and a hole in the inside.

Level 91
Calls Krillin  to use his Destructo disc  and cuts off monkey tall, to save Deadly.
Smile, god loves you :)

Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
I called vegita to blast you straight to the sun.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
I call Buu the eating machine, to eat /\ and Vegita. Ehehe.
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club

Level 91
i chose you snorlax.
now sit on his head and fart like you have never farted before i whont to see an explotion

Level 91
Calls for jigglypuff to make Snorlax sleep again.
Then flies of on a dragonite together with Fiestin.
Il fait chaud, hein?
Life is very much like a donut; round on the outside, and a hole in the inside.

Level 91
Smile, god loves you :)

Level 91
Thanks For Coming
I get a rifle, and shoot the dragonites wings off, killing both wouter and fiestin :P

Level 91
Hey! I don't want to die. Flys off and lives . . . :P
Smile, god loves you :)

Level 91
Thanks For Coming
You flew off too far, and arrived too close to the sun, and was burnt alive!

Level 91
Dragonites can't fly into space you silly.

Dragon fury on dwarra, he won't live the day to tell the story.
Il fait chaud, hein?
Life is very much like a donut; round on the outside, and a hole in the inside.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
I choose the Jirachi and wish Wouter and Fiestin to different corners of the universe...hehe I'm so evil... :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club

Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
I'll run over ^ and ^x2 with a monster truck.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Gah you.......I pop your tire wheels and you go flying off into a nearby lake and drown... :twisted:
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club

Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
I'll invite you to space and once up there i'll blow up your oxygen tank.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Calls Satan to come to space and punch me down to Earth and explode your oxygen tank killing you and all in a 50 foot radius..or does that sound too stupid?
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club

Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
I bribe Satan so he kills you instead.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
damn you ***********..........from hell I grab my new long stretchy arms and pull you to hell and then torture you like the monkey you are  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted: ..then finds Wouter and cooks his beany body..and eat him .  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club

Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
Before you pull me to hell, I take out my bazooka gun and shoot towards you.  So i'm safe. lol :twisted:  :twisted: