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Kill the person above you

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Rep: +0/-0Level 90
i am not vader!
*laughs at the decoy's decapitated body*
throws thermal detanateers at wouter
(bye bye :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted: )
Sephiroth wins......

Now time for his next opponent:

Current Project: Dark Castle
Maker: 2K3
The Moogle

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
*arises from the dead grabs the thermal detonaters and blow up luke, yoda and vader.  And arises from the dead again :D *

Unless I say so, I'm using RPG Maker XP.

Level 91
Ha you cannot find me anyway, cause
1) I'm in a black hole
2) I am inside of Deadly Diablo.
Il fait chaud, hein?
Life is very much like a donut; round on the outside, and a hole in the inside.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
gives diablo a painted detonater.
"Have an apple diablo." *snickers and runs*
Diablo:":D apple!"
 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

Unless I say so, I'm using RPG Maker XP.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
not vader....
thermal detanators are fun
*randommly throws thermal detanater*
*kills random newb*
Sephiroth wins......

Now time for his next opponent:

Current Project: Dark Castle
Maker: 2K3
The Moogle

Level 91
Amongst all the chaos, sneeks out to hanger and grabs an A-Wing and flys to the post office.
Smile, god loves you :)

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
shoots down A-Wing with a thermal detonater launching cannon. hehe

Unless I say so, I'm using RPG Maker XP.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
a bomb apple doesnt kill one who has connections to satan...burps so loud that it opens my previous black hole to another realm and sucks al the /\ there except Wouter whos inside me.. :shock:
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< Zelda Fan Club

Level 91
While Deadly is doing this, eject from A-Wing and flys into Dealy, right next to Wouter.
Smile, god loves you :)

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
steals fiestin's a-wing, launches a few rockets at her, and goes to hyper speed to a galaxy far far away...

Unless I say so, I'm using RPG Maker XP.

Level 91
revives magical trevor and makes you disspear like the cow

Level 91
You went to a galaxy far far away, but you didn't go a "long long time ago" so I can still find you. I hit a bunch a buttons inside Dealy and try to make this thing go into hyper space.
Smile, god loves you :)

Level 91
I kill you by doing the saftey dance

Level 91
You can't kill me, I'm hiding inside of Dealy.
 I kill you by with a gun.
Smile, god loves you :)

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
after ariving at corisont i use a time traveling device then fly back here and mysteriously kill eryone's anceters so i will be the only one born fot this fight.
 :twisted:  :D  :twisted:

Unless I say so, I'm using RPG Maker XP.

Level 91
I don't have any. No one knows where I came from, hehe.
Smile, god loves you :)

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Somehow gets overthere with a highpowered go-kart and drowns all /\ in a giant vat of coffee mixed with mountain dew and sprite.

Level 91
Grows some gills, I won't go down that easy.
Smile, god loves you :)

Level 91
Plays some cards with Fiestin.
Il fait chaud, hein?
Life is very much like a donut; round on the outside, and a hole in the inside.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
EATS 5000000 punds of chili making the bean and fiestin burn...!!!!!!!
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
i just fly above the liquid (in an a-wing here :P)
then i launch some torpedoes at diablo

Unless I say so, I'm using RPG Maker XP.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
hits Moogle with 1000 galons of ketchup
I'm such a flamer.  I know I am.  I love my flameable self.  Don't try to clean me because I'm especially flameable to Dove soap and any sort of window washers.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
swallows Moogle with the ketchup on him and now he's with Fiestin And Wouter, who are burned.

Spits the torpedos launching them at /\.
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Throws jason toteda at DD
I'm such a flamer.  I know I am.  I love my flameable self.  Don't try to clean me because I'm especially flameable to Dove soap and any sort of window washers.

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
you cant even pick him lol....

(PS: He's a reeeeeeeeeallly fat and everyone picks on lol)

Quite fun really, he doesnt even mind.

Throws Peanuts at WEE MAN and attracts toteda to him loll..
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

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< Zelda Fan Club