okay.... forget what I said in my previous post..
I'm still having trouble, I'll try to explain it in examples, hope you guys can help me out
Example: In the first map: I choose to tint the screen to -225 -225 -255 -0 (black, so you can't see anything; perfect for ingame cutscenes)
Ok.. I done that, now, this is what I want:
It's pitch black in the map you're in now, now you're being teleported to the next map..
My problem: As soon as you enter the next map, the tint is 0,0,0,0 (standard/light)
I don't want that!! I want it so, that when you enter the next map, the tint still is -225 -225 -225 -0 and not 0,0,0,0 .
Ok.. can't be clearer than that lol
Thanks for the help