I got the teleport back and forth figured out, now there's another problem... When I teleport back from the world map to the "normal" map, it's still the World Map tileset. ...hmmm, and that... doesn't look good... :-)
Here's the Common Event for storing the players position on the "normal" map:
Trigger: Parallel |
Condition Switch: 001: Player Pos@>Control Variables: [0005: Map ID] = Map ID
@>Control Variables: [0001: MapX] = Player's Map X
@>Control Variables: [0002: MapY] = Player's Map Y
Here's the parallel process event on the map to recognize a button being pressed
@>Conditional Branch: The R button is being pressed
@>Control Variables: [0046: Map ID] = Variable [0005: Map ID]
@>Control Variables: [0047: Map X] = Variable [0001: MapX]
@>Control Variables: [0048: Map Y] = Variable [0002: MapY]
@>Set Move Route: Player
: : $>Change opacity: 0
@>Transfer Player:[002: Worldmap], (013, 002)
: Else
: Branch End
Here's the button being pressed recognition on the World Map: Parallel process....
@>Conditional Branch: The L button is being pressed
@>Set Move Route: Player
: :$>Change opacity: 255
@>Transfer Player:Variable[0046][0047][0048]
: Else
: Branch End