Well Here It Goes...
First start an Event and type something like this...
Do You Wish To Add A Partner?
Or Maybe Do You Want To Get
Rid Of A Partner?
Then use the show choices Action to split the options
Your options will be...
(Never Mind)
Then Create Another Show choices Action in the (ADD) Section
This Will hold four Selections The Names Will Be The Carictors Names. The Only One That Differs Is The...
Then Under Each Carictor Name There Will Be >Change Party Members *Insert Carictors Name Here* Add
Then you do the same thing under the (REMOVE) Section Exsept Under each carictors names you put
>Change Party Members *Insert Carictors Name Here* Remove
It Even Stores Levels And Such With The Charictor.
Works For RPG Maker 2003 And Might Work For RPG Maker XP.