RMRK is retiring.
Registration is disabled. The site will remain online, but eventually become a read-only archive. More information.

RMRK.net has nothing to do with Blockchains, Cryptocurrency or NFTs. We have been around since the early 2000s, but there is a new group using the RMRK name that deals with those things. We have nothing to do with them.
NFTs are a scam, and if somebody is trying to persuade you to buy or invest in crypto/blockchain/NFT content, please turn them down and save your money. See this video for more information.

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Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Hi! I'm Eyre. I've been searching around crankeye's site for about two years, and have been with RPG maker for the same amount of time. However, i've been extremely on and off with it. I used to use XP, but then switched to 2k3 and really like it. I've just now started to get decent with making games. Loving the SMF :D I'm interested in graphics design, web design, surfing, and skateboarding.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2006, 01:15:56 AM by Eyre »

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