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Big Bang Theory

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Level 88
The sun is only going to be destroyed when an outside force greatly influences the gravital rate of the asteroid belt. If that happens then it is highly probable, granted the fact that the sun continues to swell due to age, that any solar flares will catch on the gravital rift of the pull and act as a siphon, and the gravity itself will slowly curl the gas as it travels around the sun starting the condensing process, (Black Hole), that we are are all highly familiar to.

It's just a theory, but it explains why black holes are formed.

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
I believe in creation.

Simply because -
  • I'm christian, and the kinda comes with the package ;)
  • The ammount of mass needed to create the universe would be so massive, that its own gravity would make it collapse upon itself creating a black hole.
  • It deny's making something out of nothing, when in essence it states the same thing, the energy didn't come out of nowhere, it has always been (I dunno, God maybe?) and then it denys that too saying it had to be created. Hypocritical eh? And if you deny that there was mass involved, then you're saying that the energy itself created the mass we see today.

- Tsuno Out
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
I'm also Christian and I also believe in the Genesis. But I also believe in something like the Big Bang. In other words, I'd say, God (or some higher force) made the "Big Bang" happen, whatever the Big Bang actually REALLY was.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2006, 02:25:32 PM by Blizzard »
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Training Wheels
Level 89
hah you arent sith now.

I beleive in the force.
I was once a jehovah's witness though.
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Why am I 'training wheels'??

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Atomic LAWL
the force isn't real...

"Here begin the torments of Hell proper" -Danta's inferno

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
True, the force isn't real. I was only messing with you in the other topic, velton². And I will continue messing with you.
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Training Wheels
Level 89
heh. The force is real. shutup.
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Why am I 'training wheels'??

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
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Training Wheels
Level 89
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Why am I 'training wheels'??

Level 91
Personal Text
see hes using the force to bounce that kit kat sign

Training Wheels
Level 89
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Why am I 'training wheels'??

Level 91
Personal Text
go velton velton

Training Wheels
Level 89
Go Veltonvelton!
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Why am I 'training wheels'??

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Go away, velton³. :=
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Training Wheels
Level 89
:= is a rabbit.
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Why am I 'training wheels'??

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
:= is a skull and now back on topic:

velton³ was created before the big bang. And then "The Creator" thought: "Ew... Good I was just warming up...".

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Training Wheels
Level 89
No, God said 'Wow, I'll base all of my creations on that mighty being!'
  • Web designer
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Why am I 'training wheels'??

Level 88
Please not this a from a religious point of view (hindu). Please don't be offended in any way.

The Big Bang, in other word for god. God, blew apart of himself up(said the word AUM), and thus the universe was born. God created space. God created air; dust and gases. From that dust and gas, fire was born, the sun. From the sun, earth, soil, rock was born. From that, water and consumed planets, giving them life. That is why everything is considered have god within them. That is why there is comman bond between everything in the universe. Some call it god, science, and some even call it the FORCE.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
That's an interesting idea. I don't think anybody could be offended by this. I mean, all in all, we don't know what REALLY happened, we can only speculate.
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Level 89
actually, we know until just after it happened so we know a large amount of what happened, just not what was there before the bang and what set it off
Zypher, Veltonvelton, and Dalton are secretly having a homosexual affair in hidden messages just like this one
research shows Fu is also involved, but not in a gross and creepy way

Level 88
I disagree, we have the option to spectulate. What makes us different, unqie, special, a hero or a villian is what we do while the rest watch. ;D

Level 89
ummm no, see the further out you look the further back in time things you see are, through this we can actually watch as parts of the universe form that formed many many many years ago
Zypher, Veltonvelton, and Dalton are secretly having a homosexual affair in hidden messages just like this one
research shows Fu is also involved, but not in a gross and creepy way

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
I believe in creation.

Simply because -
  • I'm christian, and the kinda comes with the package ;)
  • The ammount of mass needed to create the universe would be so massive, that its own gravity would make it collapse upon itself creating a black hole.
  • It deny's making something out of nothing, when in essence it states the same thing, the energy didn't come out of nowhere, it has always been (I dunno, God maybe?) and then it denys that too saying it had to be created. Hypocritical eh? And if you deny that there was mass involved, then you're saying that the energy itself created the mass we see today.

1) No it doesn't. The Roman Catholic church says the Big Bang is compatible with Christian theology.
2) [before I say anything else, let me say that I am not a physicist] When the universe was a singularity and shortly thereafter the laws of nature did not function in the same way. Anyway, the BB wasn't an explosion but an expansion of space itself. Mind bending, I know. While it is hard to conceive of such a thing remember that it is also hard to think of four-dimensional objects and the enormous distance between stars.
3) The Big Bang theory doesn't preclude the existence of a Creator. Where did you get the rest of this information?

actually, we know until just after it happened so we know a large amount of what happened, just not what was there before the bang and what set it off


Resource Maker
Level 91
A black hole is effectively nothing, yet it holds more power than anything else know to us currently... what if nothing was so vastly nothing it created something... and that some-thing was more powerful than any subbstance or atom's we know... what if it was so volitile it ignited inside of the vast nothingness creating soild mass and giant balls of fire... as a result... Planets and Suns...

Its hard to equate it to much... Think of it this way, you have a pee-tree dish... you put nothing in it apart from one simple cell of Bacteria... then within a few months you have loads of stuff going on in there...

So say if  the vast nothing of space had so much negitive space it created a Positive atom then exploaded...?

I dunno... But you can never have a Negative with out a positive or and up with out a down... equalibrium and shite...

Right well may be I am talking arse again... like most of the time... but in my twisted little work it makes sense...LOL

(like Squezzing a Rock will some how make a Diamond, a pefect Complex merlecular structure... that same theory I am applying to the Vast nothingness of space Squezzing onto effectivly nothing)

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