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help, character approach help

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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
its prob dead easy but i cant make this work, i want to step in a certain place and make a npc move from its starting position to my current position and say something to me, i can get tht far but everytime i walk over the same square, it moves the npc again and i only want them to stay where they are after theyve said whatever they need to, also, when i select approach character, tht npc on moves on step at a time, and to make it move 2 squares i have to move over the event square twice, 3 times for 3 squares etc.

its prob got a simple solution but im dead stuck!!!!


Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Well this can be done by using switches, and if you search for a certain "Zeriab" member, and click on his sig-link, you'll learn all about them.
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