Hey, I just found this script that fixs the resolution so you can view it on a bigger screen size but I can seem to get the resolutions any bigger. HELP! lol
LINKhttp://www.dubealex.com/asylum/index.php?showtopic=3985And here is the Script just incase you want it, but not the link.
# ? Resolution Fix
# ?By: Near Fantastica
# Date: 16.09.05
# Version: 1
# NOTE :: Add the following in the Main after begin
# Resolution.Maximize
class Resolution
# ? define constant
GAME_INI_FILE = ".\\Game.ini" # define "Game.ini" file
HWND_TOPMOST = 0 # window always active
HWND_TOP = -1 # window active when used only
SWP_NOMOVE = 0 # window pos and sizes can be changed
# ? Win32API.GetPrivateProfileString // check your game title in Game.ini
def Resolution.GetPrivateProfileString(section, key)
val = "\0"*256
gps = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetPrivateProfileString',%w(p p p p l p), 'l')
gps.call(section, key, "", val, 256, GAME_INI_FILE)
return val
# ? Win32API.client_size // check the window width and height
def Resolution.client_size
title = Resolution.GetPrivateProfileString("Game", "Title")
findwindow = Win32API.new('user32', 'FindWindow', %w(p p), 'l')
hwnd = findwindow.call("RGSS Player", title)
rect = [0, 0, 0, 0].pack('l4')
Win32API.new('user32', 'GetClientRect', %w(l p), 'i').call(hwnd, rect)
width, height = rect.unpack('l4')[2..3]
return width, height
# ? Win32API.Maximize // Maximize Window
def Resolution.Maximize
# Setup
findwindow = Win32API.new('user32', 'FindWindow', %w(p p), 'l')
max = Win32API.new('user32', 'ShowWindow', 'LL', 'L')
title = Resolution.GetPrivateProfileString("Game", "Title")
hwnd = findwindow.call("RGSS Player", title)
max.call(hwnd, SW_MAXIMIZE)
# ? Game_Map
class Game_Map
def scroll_down(distance)
width, height = Resolution.client_size
height /= 32
@display_y = [@display_y + distance, (self.height - height) * 128].min
def scroll_right(distance)
width, height = Resolution.client_size
width /= 32
@display_x = [@display_x + distance, (self.width - width) * 128].min
class Game_Player
def center(x, y)
width, height = Resolution.client_size
width /= 32
height /= 32
max_x = ($game_map.width - width) * 128
max_y = ($game_map.height - height) * 128
$game_map.display_x = [0, [x * 128 - CENTER_X, max_x].min].max
$game_map.display_y = [0, [y * 128 - CENTER_Y, max_y].min].max
# ? Tilemap
class Tilemap
attr_accessor :tileset
attr_accessor :tileset
attr_accessor :autotiles
attr_accessor :map_data
attr_accessor :flash_data
attr_accessor :priorities
attr_accessor :visible
attr_accessor :ox
attr_accessor :oy
def initialize(viewport)
@map = []
width, height = $game_map.width * 32, $game_map.height * 32
for p in 0..2
@map[p] = Sprite.new(viewport)
@map[p].bitmap = Bitmap.new(width, height )
@map[0].z = 0
@map[1].z = 150
@map[2].z = 300
@tileset_tile_width = 32
@tileset_tile_height = 32
@tileset = nil
@autotiles = []
@autotiles2 = []
@map_data = nil
@data = nil
@flash_data = nil
@priorities = nil
@visible = true
@ox = 0
@oy = 0
def update
for p in 0..2
@map[p].ox = @ox
@map[p].oy = @oy
if @data != @map_data
def refresh
@data = @map_data
for p in 0..5
for z in 0...@map_data.zsize
for x in 0...@map_data.xsize
for y in 0...@map_data.ysize
id = @map_data[x,y,z]
next if @priorities[id] != p
refresh_autotiles(x,y,p,id) if id < 384
refresh_tileset(x,y,p,id) if id >= 384
def refresh_autotiles(x,y,p,id)
p = 2 if p > 2
if id >= 48 and id <= 95
sy = id - 48
sy /= 8
sx = id - 48
sx = sx - (8 * sy)
src_rect = Rect.new(sx*32, sy*32, 32, 32)
@map[p].bitmap.blt(x*32, y*32, @autotiles2[0], src_rect)
def refresh_tileset(x,y,p,id)
p = 2 if p > 2
sy = id - 384
sy /= 8
sx = id - 384
sx = sx - (8 * sy)
src_rect = Rect.new(sx*32, sy*32, 32, 32)
@map[p].bitmap.blt(x*32, y*32, @tileset, src_rect)
def dispose
for p in 0..2
# ? Generates Autotiles
# By: Fuso
# Generates the tiles used by the game (can be seen in the editor by
# doubleclicking an autotile field), from the images given as
# resources.
def generate_autotiles2(ats = @autotiles, frame_id = 0)
h = 32
w = 32
for at in 0..6
@autotiles2[at] = Bitmap.new(@tileset_tile_width * 8, @tileset_tile_height * 6) if @autotiles2[at].nil?
break if at >= @autotiles.size
# Generate the 16 tiles containing water and a number of corners.
# Each bit in i will represent whether or not a certain corner will be filled in.
for i in 0...16
@autotiles2[at].blt(i % 8 * w, i / 8 * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + w, 2 * h, w, h)) if i < 15
@autotiles2[at].blt(i % 8 * w, i / 8 * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + 2 * w, 0, w / 2, h / 2)) if i & 0x1 == 0x1
@autotiles2[at].blt(i % 8 * w + w / 2, i / 8 * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + 5 * w / 2, 0, w / 2, h / 2)) if i & 0x2 == 0x2
@autotiles2[at].blt(i % 8 * w + w / 2, i / 8 * h + h / 2, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + 5 * w / 2, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2)) if i & 0x4 == 0x4
@autotiles2[at].blt(i % 8 * w, i / 8 * h + h / 2, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + 2 * w, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2)) if i & 0x8 == 0x8
# Generate the 16 tiles containing a certain whole strip + up to 2 corners.
# The two most signifant bits will hold the direction of the strip and the other
# two bits whether or not the remaining 2 corners will be filled in.
for i in 0...16
d = i / 4
# The strip.
#@autotiles2[at].blt(i % 8 * w + (d==3 ? w / 2 : 0), 2 * h + i / 8 * h + (d==4 ? h / 2 : 0), ats[at],
# Rect.new(d == 0 ? 0 : d == 2 ? 5 * d / 4 : d, d == 1 ? h : d == 3 ? 7 * h / 4 : 2 * h,
# (d&3 + 1) * w / 2, (4 - d&3) * h / 2))
@autotiles2[at].blt(i % 8 * w, (2 + i / * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + d == 0 ? 0 : d == 2 ? 2 * w : w, d == 1 ? h : d == 3 ? 3 * h : 2 * h, w, h))
l1 = (d + 1)%4
l2 = (d + 2)%4
x1 = (l1 == 1 or l1 == 2) ? w / 2 : 0
x2 = (l2 == 1 or l2 == 2) ? w / 2 : 0
y1 = l1/2 * h / 2
y2 = l2/2 * h / 2
@autotiles2[at].blt(i % 8 * w + x1, (2 + i / * h + y1, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + 2 * w + x1, y1, w / 2, h / 2)) if i & 0x1 == 0x1
@autotiles2[at].blt(i % 8 * w + x2, (2 + i / * h + y2, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + 2 * w + x2, y2, w / 2, h / 2)) if i & 0x2 == 0x2
# The "double-strip" tiles.
@autotiles2[at].blt(0, 4 * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + 0, 2 * h, w, h))
@autotiles2[at].blt(w / 2, 4 * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + 5 * w / 2, 2 * h, w / 2, h))
@autotiles2[at].blt(w, 4 * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + w, h, w, h))
@autotiles2[at].blt(w, 4 * h + h /2, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + w, 3 * h + h / 2, w, h / 2))
for i in 0...4
@autotiles2[at].blt((2 + 2 * i)%8 * w, (4 + i/3) * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + ((i == 1 or i == 2) ? 2 * w : 0), ((i&2) + 1) * h, w, h))
@autotiles2[at].blt((3 + 2 * i)%8 * w, (4 + i/3) * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + ((i == 1 or i == 2) ? 2 * w : 0), ((i&2) + 1) * h, w, h))
l = (i + 2)%4
x = (l == 1 or l == 2) ? w / 2 : 0
y = l/2 * h / 2
@autotiles2[at].blt((3 + 2 * i)%8 * w + x, (4 + i/3) * h + y, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + 2 * w + x, y, w / 2, h / 2))
for i in 0...4
@autotiles2[at].blt((i + 2) * w, 5 * h, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + i/2 * 2 * w, (i == 1 or i == 2) ? 3 * h : h, w, h))
l = (i + 3) % 4
dx = (l == 3 ? w / 2 : 0)
dy = (l == 2 ? h / 2 : 0)
tx = (l < 2 ? 0 : 2 * w)
ty = (l == 0 ? 0 : l == 3 ? 0 : 2 * h)
@autotiles2[at].blt((i + 2) * w + dx, 5 * h + dy, ats[at], Rect.new(frame_id * 3 * w + tx + dx, h + ty + dy, w - l%2 * w / 2, h / 2 + l%2 * h / 2))
# The final two squares which is simply the upper left one and possiby a merge of the
# inner corners, we'll make them both the first tile for now.
@autotiles2[at].blt(6 * w, 5 * h, ats[at], Rect.new(0, 0, w, h))
@autotiles2[at].blt(7 * w, 5 * h, ats[at], Rect.new(0, 0, w, h))
# ? Spriteset_Map
class Spriteset_Map
def initialize
width, height = Resolution.client_size
@viewport1 = Viewport.new(0, 0, width, height)
@viewport2 = Viewport.new(0, 0, width, height)
@viewport3 = Viewport.new(0, 0, width, height)
@viewport2.z = 200
@viewport3.z = 5000
@tilemap = Tilemap.new(@viewport1)
@tilemap.tileset = RPG::Cache.tileset($game_map.tileset_name)
for i in 0..6
autotile_name = $game_map.autotile_names
@tilemap.autotiles = RPG::Cache.autotile(autotile_name)
@tilemap.map_data = $game_map.data
@tilemap.priorities = $game_map.priorities
@panorama = Plane.new(@viewport1)
@panorama.z = -1000
@fog = Plane.new(@viewport1)
@fog.z = 3000
@character_sprites = []
for i in $game_map.events.keys.sort
sprite = Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, $game_map.events)
@character_sprites.push(Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, $game_player))
@weather = RPG::Weather.new(@viewport1)
@picture_sprites = []
for i in 1..50
@timer_sprite = Sprite_Timer.new
I would really appreciate some help... Thanks!