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Started by Doctor Professor Nikolai, April 02, 2006, 01:54:50 AM

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Doctor Professor Nikolai

I made a RMXP movie for my game. how do you make ones WITHOUT your preson in it?


When you go into the first map of the movie, use an event. Make it parallel process and make it look like this:

<>Move event:Player
                   :Change opacitiy:0

When the movie is over do this (another map!):

<>Move event:Player
                   :Change opacitiy:255

Now, during the movie, you won
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Doctor Professor Nikolai

Thanks!!! I might PM you for more info of stuff i need to know,or if you have any messenger, look in my profild :D


is this at the beginning of his game?


I have ICQ, but it
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