Deadly Diablo's Tutorial Demo 1
DEMO FILEWelcome to this tutorial to create complex weaponry.
1. To begin, go into your project's database file, and either edit a previous hero or create one completely from scratch. Make his/her MP be 0, no matter what level he/she grows to.
2. Now go to the ITEMS tab, and create a weapon, GUN. Look in the demo game's database to see how its done.
3. Also create Item BULLETS the same way as in the demo game.
4. Now go to the COMMON EVENTS TAB, and copy EXACTLY THE CODE there.
*Note: This will work only for 1 hero, so for more heroes you'd have to repeat steps 1 and 4 sparingly.
Now to get this to work, you'd have to make an event give out the item gun and everything should work out fine.
If this doesnt work, or there's a problem with the file, you know what to do, post.