Hi everyone. I'm very glad I've found this forum, I've finally decided to register.
Well, I have a tip to share. I don't know if this is the right forum to post it in, a moderator can maybe move it to the right section if it's the wrong one. Thanks... If you want your friends to test your games, let's make it easy for him. Create a installer = your friend doesn't need to copy the .dll files to the system directory by him self.
I use a install builder called Inno Setup 5. It's totally free and very easy to use. It can be downloaded from here:
http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.phpWell, that's all for now.
Happy Game-Making everyone
Forgot this: [EDIT]
If you want your files to copy to the system/system32 directory you have to make these 'edits' to your installer source code:
[Files]Source: "C:\My Games\RPG\whatever.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: ignoreversion
You may want to remove the Flags: ignoreversion if you're using a older version of the RTP...