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Video Games Development Goverment funded?

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Zone Of The End
What if all games would be goverment funded just like America's Army?

Would that be a good thing or a bad thing?
I don't prove anything to anyone!

Level 91
well hmm that would end the gaming capitalism
since usa is capitalist then er... i don't see any chance of that happening ~.~
holy shit my sig was big!

I love Firerain
Level 97
i think me neither
Arlen is hot.

Level 90
I was thinking 'More propagnda"... but the last one seemed kinda relistic.  Until China loses online and assualts us with infantry...

Level 90
ummm if games were funded by the goverment i would join the biz whitch im plainng to do (already making 3d games) i would sya hell yeah to that no more budgets.
Yay i got a zoo sort of

Quote from: Demonheart
What if all games would be goverment funded just like America's Army?

Would that be a good thing or a bad thing?

If that would happen we would have no money for welfare and all the homeless would starve and scare away the kids and we'd all move to china where the place would be so crowded china will shoot a missle at the only person left in the USA George Dubya Bush. Then he thinks to himself at limbo.."Damn how could i have been so stupid..."

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Zone Of The End
America's Army Development was paid using the funds from the Department of Defence, thus giving the developers all the money they needed to buy a license for the Unreal Engine, hire art teams and to make the game completely free. The expansions they are making are also all free.

Anarchy Online is commercially funded, since the main game (not the expansion) is filled with Real Life Advertisement, which the companies pay money to FunCom to cover the normal purchase costs and subscription fees.

Last I heard, Matrix Online was also getting Real Life Advertisement but I don't know what effect it has to us gamers...

Recently Stainless Steel Studios shutdown due to lack of money while they were in the middle of developing Rise & Fall: Civilizations At War, now the project is transfered to Midway. The original developers are now not allowed to see what Midway is doing to their project, which could spell doom to the gameplay. This could have been avoided if game developers were funded by the goverment or commercial industries.
I don't prove anything to anyone!