RMRK is retiring.
Registration is disabled. The site will remain online, but eventually become a read-only archive. More information.

RMRK.net has nothing to do with Blockchains, Cryptocurrency or NFTs. We have been around since the early 2000s, but there is a new group using the RMRK name that deals with those things. We have nothing to do with them.
NFTs are a scam, and if somebody is trying to persuade you to buy or invest in crypto/blockchain/NFT content, please turn them down and save your money. See this video for more information.
going out, on my way...

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I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
im leaving, for anybody who cares. Well, at least until all of the noobishness gets cleaned up. For any newbs here, im not refering to you, unless you are in fact "noobish". so, im gone.

Level 91
Ignore what i say. I'm never here anyway
=( i will actualy miss you in some off round about way.

cya later dude
If you post outside the sewer, don't expect me to see it.

Level 90
I thought you were cool man, well... Hopefully you'll come back some day some  :D

Level 91
dante leaves just about as often as dwarra , it only takes him longer to come back.. ~.~
so cya in 2-3 days or possibly a month...
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
So long, Lord Dante! I'll miss ya!
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour

I love Firerain
Level 97
K then...Enjoy..if ur leaving..if not also enjoy..damn...GoodBye(like blue said for 2-3 days or few months)
Arlen is hot.

Rep: +0/-0Level 92
Guess who's back
I'll miss you jew-boy!
And he's not coming back in few days cuz he's going to Israel for two weeks.

Level 89
Oh ok, I thought he like totally hated crankeye because of noobs.

Glad to see it's just a vacation. Hope you have a safe return (to crankeye I mean  :^^:  )
Would you like to support a new rmxp community? If so then you should join:

I love Firerain
Level 97
Quote from: TheRotS

 Israel for two weeks.

2 weeks is equal to 14 days, not much.
Arlen is hot.

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 King of RMRK2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest MemberFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]2011 Funniest Member2011 Best MusicianMost entertaining member on the IRC2010 Most Missed Member