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How very annoying

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Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Alright so i'm using rpg2k

and I've started with an intro. The first map is all black with some dialouge and the party starting point there. After the dialouge is over it switches to another intro map with a character event (that has no commands) and an event on the top left to trigger him to move.

ALTHOUGH when I say move event this man, he keeps on walking to the right. Can someone PLEASE HELP ME?

Level 89
When you have him reach where you want him to go, turn on a switch.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
oh ok, I'll try that

Rep: +0/-0Level 90

the black map with the dialouge looks like this


Change screen tone
Teleport to Intro2
Change Screen tone

Intro map 2
character is in the middle very left. He is not a hero just a graphic event.
The event controlling the main event goes like this:

Change switch intro 2 on set
(Next page)
Event Conditions: ON Intro 2 switch

call weather effect
Play BGM
Move event (The man) directions etc...

and thats it

Level 90
reccomend getting a newer version like xp or rpgmaker 2003 not has hard to do things.if he keeps moving to the right on the move event just make it stop were u want it to.
Yay i got a zoo sort of

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
I have all versions but I prefer this first to build my nothingness skills lol but how would I stop him?

Level 89
Most people on these forums use either 2003 or XP. I don't know much about 2k so other than if you switch to XP and start using that program then I could help you.

Level 90
For me its easyer to use the hardest first nut in rpgmaker there all basicaly the same exsept xp u can add scritps anyways get xp everyone can help u here if u use xp :)
Yay i got a zoo sort of

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
But xp is so much harder >_< scripts are a bitch

Level 89
Scripts are easy as long as you follow the directions. Besides the layout of XP is better imo and the rtp is far more advanced. I would switch to XP if I was you.