if this doesn't work, tell me and I'll fix it.EDIT: I fixed the common event, the problems I fixed were-
when depsiting money, it didn't subtract it from your money at all
when withdrawling money, it didn't give you the money, and wouldn't show the actual amount of money you haveDEMO FOR THIS BANK CAN BE FOUND HERE-
http://www.geocities.com/tsunokiette/limit_break_tester.zipthis will teach you to make a bank for depositing money.
you can replace Gilda in the Variables and common event by whatever you call your currency.
create 4 variables-
[0001]:gilda held
then make a common event called "Money" with the following-
<>Variable: [0001:gilda held]= Money
<>Message: Balance: \c[3]\v[3]\c[0] Gilda
: : Gilda on hand: \c[3]\v[1]\c[0]
<>Show Choices: Deposit, Withdrawl, Do Nothing
: [Deposit] Handler
<>Conditional Branch: Variable [0001:gilda held] == 0
<>Message: You don't have any Gilda to deposit.
: Else Handler
<>Show Choices: Fixed Amount, Custom
: [Fixed Amount] Handler
<>Message: Deposit how much of \c[3]\v[1]\c[0] Gilda?
<>Show Choices: 1000, 10000, 100000, All
: [1000] Handler
<>Variable: [0002:deposit] = 1000
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[0002:deposit]>Variable[0001:gilda held]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda on hand.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You deposit \c[3]\v[2]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] += Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Change Money: - Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Variable: [0002:deposit]-= Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Message: You now have a balance of \c[3]\v[3]\c[0] Gilda.
: End
: [10000] Handler
<>Variable: [0002:deposit] += 10000
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[0002:deposit]>Variable[0001:gilda held]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda on hand.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You deposit \c[3]\v[2]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] += Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Change Money: - Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Variable: [0002:deposit]-= Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Message: You now have a balance of \c[3]\v[3]\c[0] Gilda.
: End
: [100000] Handler
<>Variable: [0002:deposit] += 100000
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[0002:deposit]>Variable[0001:gilda held]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda on hand.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You deposit \c[3]\v[2]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] += Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Change Money: - Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Variable: [0002:deposit]-= Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Message: You now have a balance of \c[3]\v[3]\c[0] Gilda.
: End
: [All] Handler
<>Variable: [0002:deposit] += Variable [0001:gilda held]
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[0002:deposit]>Variable[0001:gilda held]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda on hand.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You deposit \c[3]\v[2]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] += Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Change Money: - Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Variable: [0002:deposit]-= Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Message: You now have a balance of \c[3]\v[3]\c[0] Gilda.
: End
: Cancel Handler
: End
: [Custom] Handler
<>Message: Deposit how much of \c[3]\v[1]\c[0] Gilda?
<>Input Number : [0002:deposit], 6 digits
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[0002:deposit]>Variable[0001:gilda held]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda on hand.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You deposit \c[3]\v[2]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] += Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Change Money: - Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Variable: [0002:deposit]-= Variable [0002:deposit]
<>Message: You now have a balance of \c[3]\v[3]\c[0] Gilda.
: End
: Cancel Handler
: End
: End
: [Withdrawl] Handler
<>Conditional Branch: Variable [0003:bank] == 0
<>Message: You don't have any Gilda to withdrawl in the bank.
: Else Handler
<>Show Choices: Fixed Amount, Custom
: [Fixed Amount] Handler
<>Message: Withdrawl how much of \c[3]\v[3]\c[0] Gilda?
<>Show Choices: 1000, 10000, 100000, All
: [1000] Handler
<>Variable: [000r:withdrawl] = 1000
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[000r:withdrawl] > Variable[0003:bank]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda in bank.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You withdrawl \c[3]\v[4]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] -= Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Change Money: + Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0004:withdrawl]-= Variable [000r:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0001:gilda held]= Money
<>Message: You now have \c[3]\v[1]\c[0] Gilda on hand.
: End
: [10000] Handler
<>Variable: [0004:withdrawl] += 10000
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[000r:withdrawl] > Variable[0003:bank]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda in bank.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You withdrawl \c[3]\v[4]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] -= Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Change Money: + Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0004:withdrawl]-= Variable [000r:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0001:gilda held]= Money
<>Message: You now have \c[3]\v[1]\c[0] Gilda on hand.
: End
: [100000] Handler
<>Variable: [0004:deposit] += 100000
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[000r:withdrawl] > Variable[0003:bank]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda in bank.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You withdrawl \c[3]\v[4]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] -= Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Change Money: + Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0004:withdrawl]-= Variable [000r:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0001:gilda held]= Money
<>Message: You now have \c[3]\v[1]\c[0] Gilda on hand.
: End
: [All] Handler
<>Variable: [0004:withdrawl] += Variable [0003:bank]
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[000r:withdrawl] > Variable[0003:bank]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda in bank.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You withdrawl \c[3]\v[4]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] -= Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Change Money: + Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0004:withdrawl]-= Variable [000r:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0001:gilda held]= Money
<>Message: You now have \c[3]\v[1]\c[0] Gilda on hand.
: End
: Cancel Handler
: End
: [Custom] Handler
<>Message: Withdrawl how much of \c[3]\v[3]\c[0] Gilda?
<>Input Number : [0004:withdrawl], 6 digits
<>Conditional Branch: Variable[000r:withdrawl] > Variable[0003:bank]
<>Message: Not enough Gilda in bank.
: Else Handler
<>Message: You withdrawl \c[3]\v[4]\c[0] Gilda.
<>Variable: [0003:bank] -= Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Change Money: + Variable [0004:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0004:withdrawl]-= Variable [000r:withdrawl]
<>Variable: [0001:gilda held]= Money
<>Message: You now have \c[3]\v[1]\c[0] Gilda on hand.
: End
: Cancel Handler
: End
: End
: [Do Nothing] Handler
<>Message: If you wish.
: End
now just make an event on your map with some graphic, (preferably a person) and give them 2 events
first one, a message with something unnaturaly nice in it. "good evening and welcome to the bank of my game"
and second one, the common event "Money"
set the trigger for action key and.....done............