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Randomness help

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
ok,how do i make an event give you a random item from a set  few?like,in golden sun,the lost age when you give yallam smithy something?

ie:give a guy some iron,he radomly picks somethin and gives.

also,i need help making a mining system,what is the best form of animation i could do?and how could i make rocks give random ore?(see above)

thanks in advance
Current project: Phoenix - The Eternal Legacy
A Clan Shadow Phoenix and Unholy Alliances Production
Seoxultima -uhhh....POO!
loonygamer-title screen,gameover,etc.
formina sage -lots of stuff,mainly skill systems
blizzard-credit system,tools,and other stuffs
DeathTrooper-battle graphics
Jesse 015-quests
Slayer-dialogue production

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
For the random item thing, go to the change item command but
instead of choosing a specific item, create a variable.
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
ok,could you explain a bit more detailed please?
Current project: Phoenix - The Eternal Legacy
A Clan Shadow Phoenix and Unholy Alliances Production
Seoxultima -uhhh....POO!
loonygamer-title screen,gameover,etc.
formina sage -lots of stuff,mainly skill systems
blizzard-credit system,tools,and other stuffs
DeathTrooper-battle graphics
Jesse 015-quests
Slayer-dialogue production

Level 89
Put the variable set from #1-3. Then make a seperate case for each stating that if you land on #1, you get a potion.On #2, a sword. Or what ever you want
the items to be.
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Level 91
Am I still cool?
A bit more easy to understand is-
1.Make a variable
2.when you talk to the guy(give him an item), set that variable to random number between 1&3 or whatever.
3.Use a conditional branch for after that, making it so that 1 giets you a potion or whatever(just as monster doog said).
4. After that, your done.

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
variable of 1-3
make 3 cond. branches,one for each outcome?

EDIT:ok,thanks guys,i figured it out,but with one flaw-i made a tester that said hi-then a number(of the number picked)it worked once,but then it would only say hi,never picking a number again.i wanna make lots of random things,like for a mining system.ihow do i make it repeat the vareiable check?
Current project: Phoenix - The Eternal Legacy
A Clan Shadow Phoenix and Unholy Alliances Production
Seoxultima -uhhh....POO!
loonygamer-title screen,gameover,etc.
formina sage -lots of stuff,mainly skill systems
blizzard-credit system,tools,and other stuffs
DeathTrooper-battle graphics
Jesse 015-quests
Slayer-dialogue production

Level 89
Roger that