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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
oook.... i just went to apply somthing to my map, and... the whole this changed into what i was applying to one section :-|
>>>Jesse Graham<<<

Level 91
God of Dicks
Can't you... just hit undo?

Level 89
sounds like you used the paint bucket. Try not to do that.

Level 91
there are 3 layers of tiles.
1st is ground, it's where you should, and must, use the little bucket.
each of the layers have it's own er.. layer..

now say you made the first and 2nd layers and on the 3rd you bucket the whole place with say.. a table..

simply choose a white tiles and rebucket it , and start that layer

such as in program like paint, if you use the bucket it will fill up everything it can reach while diffrent colored pixels block it.

so if we have say a table and the rest is grass, it will only bucket effect the grass (assuming you click on a grass spot and not a table spot)

so if say you got:

and you click on a T the Xs will stay the same and all the Ts will be recolored, that what makes this tool very useful.
though if the Xs are on another layer, the entire map will be filled up seeing as there is nothing that can block it.

got it? i am not sure i would but i am talking alot so maybe you can figure out something
holy shit my sig was big!