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Painted Memories----------[1st UPDATE!!]

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Level 90
A painter is a person who takes great pride in his work. But when you are a painter who is always considered second best, it tends to get to you after a while.. Especially when the person you are considered second best to is your twin brother. Our protagonist, Devon Motola, is soon to embark on an adventure that he had never before thought possible. Emotion's run deep within the very fibers of Devon's being.. and one night when he is hard at work on a painting, while very upset, he somehow ends up inside of it. One thing leads to another and Devon is mistaken as a so called "Grand Creator." Things get even more confusing when he learns that the Grand Creator could be his "identical twin." Immediately he assumes that his twin brother, Alexander, has also somehow managed to find his way into this strange new world.. and that Alexander has also still managed to come before himself. So he decides that he has to find out for himself if it's really his brother.

Along his journey he comes across many new faces, such as a little girl with wisdom way beyond her years, a human-like doll who just happens to be a dog, a fallen angel with a wish to be relieved from his misery by someone with a reason to live, a trio of cohorts that have become corrupted by greed, and lots of other strange characters who will help him to achieve his goals.

Here is a small list of some of the playable characters in no specific order.

Devon: Age 17, Job: Painter, Is very witty, creative, but not the one for fighting. His brains however make up for most of that. Devon wears normal clothes

Alexander: Age 17, Job: Professional Painter, Is very smart, creative, and can fight. Doesn't have much of a wit tho. His ideas however are the opposite of Devon's.
Alex wears normal clothes

Lily as a child..
< Lily as an adult...
Lily: Age 13, knows the land of Euphoria like the back of her hand and believes herself to be an excelent guide for Devon. She is an orphan and doesn't remember much of her parents or her younger life. She wears tattered, dirty clothing and has long straight hair.

Barko: Age: Unknown, Barko doesn't speak.. He appears to be a giant stuffed animal, of which species he is a dog. He wears no clothes or armor. He uses a giant Dog Bone for a weapon.

TK: Age: 19, Is intelligent and has very deep thoughts, he is more of a loner and only goes along with Devon because it serves his own needs. He is a fallen angel who spends most of his time deep in thought and feeling sorry for himself. He wears no armor or clothing expept for bracers and dark leather pants that are covered with buckles.

Davin: Age: Unknown, The so called Grand Creator. He rules over the World of Euphoria.
Looks almost exactly like Devon in the face, and wears priest-like clothing.

Zander: Age: Unknown, Davin's arch enemy. Zander plans to dethrone Davin and Rule over Euphoria with greed and fear. Wears Dark Armor and his face is covered.

Chump: Age: Unknown, Humble servent of Davin, is a follower, he can be powerful when he has to be. Chump is short and is a dark demonic looking magical being. Secretly works for Zander.

Treg: Age: 34, Is quite the brute, very tall, large, and muscular.Treg is bare chested with a hammer on his back hoisted up from a chain. Secretly works for Zander

Prexus: Age: 24, Is intelligent in many ways, and is leader of all the Servants. He is smart enough to take Davin out of power if he wished to, but he wants the same thing as Zander and will wait as long as he needs to in order to take over with Zander at the right time. Prexus wears a long coat that is very thin, he is quite fast and quite the trickster.

Story : 50 %
Music : 76 %
Mapping : 2 %
Scripts : 10 %
Sound Fx: 1%
Graphics : 2 %
Database: 25 %
ART : 10 %

^ The NEW title screen... Let me know what you think of it.. I feel like something just isn't quite right with it still.. and I'm open for suggestions..

A test screen of the first town in the painted world, Euphoria. The name of the town is Havenbrook.

And for Prexus and Treg, here is some first draft conceptual art of you guys.. Prexus on the left, Treg on the right ... theres still a few things that are gonna be changed.. so don't worry.. Also.. this IS a first draft.. the final draft will more than likely look nothing like this.

This is a weapon design by Lust Dragon.

This is the concept art of Treg's Hammer and Prexus's assassin blades.


That is all of our conceptual art, we are looking for a full-time artist for the characters, a chipset artist and a charartist as well as artists for our battle system heh.



And Yes this is an actual IN-GAME screenshot for those of you who are probably gonna accuse me of making a photoshop image. Anyways.. NO the script is not available for the public at this time.. Without further wait, I give you, Painted Memories Main Menu Screen Version 1.0.

Let me know what you think of it. Please rate this menu from 1 - 10. Thanks.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Holy! Man thats some great storyline and drawing/sketches/paitings (im Dutch dunno how you guys call that)
Cant wait to play the game!

B.t.w I noticed many of your characters can't wear armor!.
If thats the case you must make sure that no one can.
Or else those characters will be very weak later on in the game and that a shame ofcourse!

It's just a suggestion so you don't need to pay mind to it.
But i hope i can play it someday!

storyline 8/10
characters 9/10
worldmap 7/10 (with this i mean the worl you will play in!)
Chained by a broken hart, hoping for the key wich shatter my chains: Love

Untold Truth (RPG 2003) demo available!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Whoa, that

Level 90
Im glad you like it, so you know they are called sketches lol. We are working with stuff, for the most part our main characters comes into a new world with nothing but rest assured he will change heh, I still need to come up with a list for the different types of costumes for every character.
How goods the story if none of the characters change eh? lol

oh and we should have a demo within a short couple weeks or so, so you might be able to try it out sooner then you think.  :D
Whoa, that

Level 91
Captain Fucking Callahan
Eternal Renagade i would love to do the coloring of the Battlers for you just tell me what colors you need and i would be gald to do it, And dude Great Drawings Very good. SOUNDS AWESOME DUDE Great Idea for a game. GJ!

"Always remember the best form of revenge is to better yourself." -ZV

Level 91
yes! this sounds excellent!
good job!

but, really, who knows the back of there hand that good? X_X

Level 90
Quote from: michaelxp
yes! this sounds excellent!
good job!

but, really, who knows the back of there hand that good? X_X

lol, true true, but of course as you know it's figuretively speaking. But yeah as far as the project goes, we will have a CMS and a CBS so mostlikely we won't need Battlers, rather we need Battle Sprites heh. We are striving for close to complete originality, and we would do custom tilesets if people are out there that know how to do it. If ya know anybody tell me and I can contact them, that'd be great!  :D

How very Original. I commend you on your plot renegade.

Level 90
Thanks for the support people! Ill be updatin this thread in a couple of days with possibilities of 'new screens" :)
We still need Spriters and full time artists, so if your looking for work you know who to call!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Looking good. The sketches, the idea's, all look really promising. Can't wait to get my teeth into a demo.

Resident Cloud
Level 91
love the idea of the dog

also on the screenshot of the town im presuming its night from the message displayed and the lights you could try a different shade of green its a little too light

just a thouhgt

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
i could be a writer for your team. Im pretty good, or so other people say

Level 90
we are pretty good on writers, but uh it be great if we could get advertisers, because we are looking fo help in terms of graphics. That's the major issue here, graphics, and we also need a full time artist so like yah (preferably Animeish looking with a twist heh)

Aye, if only I could draw better...

Level 90
BUMP! Yes there has been an update! Behold the awesome power of our Main Menu!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
WOW, what a menu!!!! That

Level 90
a friend of mine who will be joining these forums soon.

Level 90

Th-that's GREAT!

The story, the mapping, the menu...
Everything is fantastic!

I will follow the developement of this game with  curiosity.
Good luck to you.
Going on a vacation...(To FLORIDA!!!)
Will be away the three closest weeks...

That's friggin' awesome!
Your friends gotta be a really good scriptor to do that!

Level 90
hehe, he's been doing it for years, and he learns qyickly heh. He's probably one of the best scripters out there for rmxp. (credit to him lol)

pokeball TKOffline
Rep: +0/-0Level 89
At long last I have arrived..

Thanks to all who like the menu :D

Expect more updates very soon :P

pokeball TKOffline
Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Sorry for the double post.. but here's another little piece of eyecandy heaven for ya .. hehe

Tell me what ya think..

I am epic, you are not.
Level 93
Defender of Justice
ooo, pretty. Ill be sure to steal this script  (j/k)

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
OMG! How did I not see this? Dude, that is awesome! I can't wait until
it's all finished. The menu screen looks flippin' sweet. Those drawings are
awesome, man. Great job!!!
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

pokeball TKOffline
Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Heh, We're working on mapping, more aspects of the menu, plot, and character backgrounds at the moment.. so when we get a chance we'll update as soon as possible..

Thanks to Master of Time, and Lord Dante.. Those comments make me happy .. hehe.
