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Windows Tutorial Part 2/2

Started by Constance, January 07, 2006, 05:23:57 AM

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Windows Tutorial Part 2/2[/color]

Warning: I like to simplify my tutorials for noobs. If you find this too easy to understand I apologize. I make tutorials that way.

This is not a tutorial on making a CMS. That is for my third tutorial. This is understanding scenes.

Length: Fairly long

Other Past Tutorials

-RPGMaker XP Tutorial 1 For Noobs

- Windows Tutorial Part 1/2

Scene Interaction

Windows are the basis of any menu. You do not necessarily need a window for a scene. Defining a window and a scene is fairly

simple, though, and can be sumed up into short "dummy" words.

A Window is a piece of paper.

A Scene is your desk.

Consider you are at school in a class. When you take notes you write on paper. And the paper is laid on a desk or table right?

Well if you think about it RGSS makes Scene Interaction the same as this example.

A Window is basically a box to show some data whether it be strings (text), values (integers, booleans or floats), or information

about another class!

A Scene is basically the "desk" or "table" you write on. This is where you can organize your windows into specific places (you can

do this anyway in the window itself, but I prefer this way).

Well in order for your to actually write a script with RPGMaker XP you need some sort of interaction between the windows (if any)

and the characters and/or actual gameplay. This interaction will always include some sort of loop.


I have been warming up to talk about this part. This is the main focal point of this tutorial. This is a quick but crucial

part to this tutorial. If nothing else please understand this.

Everything about RPGMaker XP's use of scripts is a loop. Whether it be if rmxp is checking for a button interaction from the player, a

certain switch activated, a battle, graphic updating, a condition met, etc., it contains a loop nonetheless.

Loops can be broken down even further though.

Let's assume you create a script that makes each enemy contain a limit break. Whether the enemy actually uses this limit break in

battle is irrelevant. The point is, is that rmxp is constantly checking to see if this loop is still valid. If not it could go to another condition

or if all else fails feedback an error or quit the program entirely.

And if loops are the basis for RPGMaker XP, it must be the basis for Scenes.


Scenes are what makes RPGMaker XP tick. Let's take a look first at probably one of the most important Scenes, then we'll head to

the most commonly used Scene.

If you recall from the first tutorial a window is basically a place that stores info.

If you used the window example in that tutorial you found out that the window would not dispose when you wanted

it to. That's because you did not define a specific time for it to dispose. While the window showed up, a Scene was still occuring.

That Scene is Scene_Map. Because you did not specify a specific time to dispose the window the good guys at Enterbrain

specified a time for you. Hence rmxp is constantly looping.

If you put that window in a Scene correctly you can get rid of it whenever you like and return it in the same fashion!

Let's take a look at Scene_Title. We'll go through each part step by step.


class Scene_Title

Here we have defined a new class called Scene_Title. Be careful not to confuse you with Window_Blah < Window_Base. As I said

earlier a window must have his parent with him. He is the "underclass". A scene is not.

 def main
   # If battle test
   if $BTEST

Here of course we defined a new method and also gave a hidden global variable $BTEST a condition. If

$BTEST were true then the method battle_test would be commeneced and would also return the data. But this is important. This

time we defined a new class called main.

Here's some questions you might ask.

-Why did you make it def main?
-Why wouldn't you put def initialize?

def main is a very important method and here's why. Scroll down to the script at the very bottom called Main.

At around line 12 you'll see this.

 $scene =
 # Call main method as long as $scene is effective
 while $scene != nil

This means that a global variable $scene is assigned to the class Scene_Title. And while this scene is not equal to nil (nothing)

then Main is constantly being updating by the rmxp and is always checking to see if $scene is equal to an actual scene

if so it must have a method called def main. If you take a moment to just look at it, it makes perfect sense.

Another thing I want to point out. Main is not a script. It is a beginning block of code so to speak. No where in the

script Main does it start with class Main. That is why most people say "Add this script above Main" because main is the default

place in which rmxp reads or begins the data. It calls $scene = which we're going back to now. Just wanted to point

that out.

Now your probably saying now:

-Well if you don't need def initialize, can't you still put it?

Of course! But there is no need to do that in this case. If you recall Main is only thinking about the main definition (def main)! So yes

you could put something in initialize but it would not matter. It would call initialize and thats it. After that it wants the main definition.


Back to Scene_Title.

   $data_actors        = load_data("Data/Actors.rxdata")
   $data_classes       = load_data("Data/Classes.rxdata")
   $data_skills        = load_data("Data/Skills.rxdata")
   $data_items         = load_data("Data/Items.rxdata")
   $data_weapons       = load_data("Data/Weapons.rxdata")
   $data_armors        = load_data("Data/Armors.rxdata")
   $data_enemies       = load_data("Data/Enemies.rxdata")
   $data_troops        = load_data("Data/Troops.rxdata")
   $data_states        = load_data("Data/States.rxdata")
   $data_animations    = load_data("Data/Animations.rxdata")
   $data_tilesets      = load_data("Data/Tilesets.rxdata")
   $data_common_events = load_data("Data/CommonEvents.rxdata")
   $data_system        = load_data("Data/System.rxdata")
   # Make system object
   $game_system =

These create global variables equal to the method load_data and it's attribute. In this case it's attribute is stored in the data folder.

When the def main method is called before the beginning of the game these values will be started. Also we have set the global

variable $game_system to the script Game_System. Game_System is not a scene. It does not have the main method or a

Window_Base or any other superclass, therfore it will simply be classified as a "value" script as I like to call it. It will then be called

by another script.

   s1 = "New Game"
   s2 = "Continue"
   s3 = "Shutdown"
   @command_window =, [s1, s2, s3])
   @command_window.back_opacity = 160
   @command_window.x = 320 - @command_window.width / 2
   @command_window.y = 288

This is important as well. RPGMaker XP has defined three local variables (s1, s2, s3) and assigned them to the string values "New

Game", "Continue", and "Shutdown".

Then it sets the class variable @command_window equal to the class Window_Command. Window_Command contains two

attributes in order for it to be called correctly. This is the syntax:, commands)

Look inside Window_Command to see what I mean if your confused.

Next it sets the class variable @command_windows hidden method back_opacity equal to 160, it's x method

equal to 320 minus itself's width divided by 2, and it's y method equal to 288.

This is extremely useful because it's basically saying hey I'm editing myself!

This will call the Window_Command. It's default syntax will create a window with these attributes I just mentioned.

(I skipped some stuff to save time)

   # Main loop
   loop do
     # Update game screen
     # Update input information
     # Frame update
     # Abort loop if screen is changed
     if $scene != self
   # Prepare for transition
   # Dispose of command window
   # Dispose of title graphic

This refers back to loops. If you are going to create a scene you must loop it. That is the syntax you use. The only thing you would

change is the class variables of the windows (if any) you defined earlier in that method (@command_window.dispose to


YOU ALWAYS USE THAT SYNTAX! Of course you can add more but that is the basis of your graphics, button pushing, and scene


#Frame update

is the method def update. If you do not create an update method, do not put updte in the Main Loop. It will give you an undefined

local variable or method error.

I won't go any further with Scene_Title. The whole point of this is for you to interact with the scenes and find out how it works. I just

gave you the gist.


So what have we learned? Scene Interaction, loops, more on methods, more on variables, main method, "value" scripts (scripts that

are neither windows nor scenes), how to call methods, a little more on conditional statements (if this happens then this happens).

If you read this tutorial I'm sorry but you won't create your CMS until next tutorial (Custom Menu System Development).

I thank you very much for reading this tutorial and hope you find this helpful to your needs. If you have any questions or errors

please send them via my website. I don't check often with other people's replies on other forums. Thank you for reading.

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Using both of your tutorials, I think I might be able to make something rather nifty...assuming I don't get discouraged after the 50th error and nothing to show my work other than lost time and an empty bottle of aspirin! >_>;



See me and three other people started a scripting team at my forum. We post a tutorial a week at least.

So if ever you don't understand something please feel free to look through the tutorials there.

Or just pm me here.

Thanks for reading this.
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Nice job, but except for this part, technicaly speaking , this-

(not for newbs btw, this is  just technical stuff)

if $scene != self

is supposed to be like this-

# if the global variable scene is not self (self is a private method which returns the class in which it is used)
if $scene != self
#break from loop

Let's say you change $scene to equal a new map object, if $scene was originaly a new menu object, Scene_Menu would still run until it gets to

if $scene != self

which it would read as

if $scene != Scene_Menu

or even further, what it would interpret it to be is -

if Scene_Map != Scene_Menu

and would break from the loop, and run til the end of the script. That's why loops are so important, they keep the script from ending too quickly and control the program's flow.

Every script runs in the main processing script and refers back to it.

You know how you can create a new object like this?

@menu =

well that's what happens in main

$scene =

except it never gets disposed, it gets changed contantly.

when in main you see this -

if $scene != self

since there is no class to refer too, it reads it as this

if $scene != $scene

so when you use the private method


$scene obviously will not equal itself because it has been completely disposed, and the main processing will run til the end, and the window will close and give control back to the OS.
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I'm the only one, I'm the only one."


I have Dubealex Postality Knight Edition.

So it states while instead of if.

Your concept is right 100%. I was just taught this way.

Oh, well, thanks man.
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Quote from: ConstanceI have Dubealex Postality Knight Edition.

So it states while instead of if.

Your concept is right 100%. I was just taught this way.

Oh, well, thanks man.

You did a great job on it btw! :^^:

It's just that it bugs me that people view these scripts as simply rmxp scripts, and not an actual program in which they control the flow lol, it limits their thinking to what they see and keeps them from seeing what the original programmers (I say programmers because that's what they are, not just scripters) intended when they first programmed Rmxp.
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I'm the only one, I'm the only one."

Mad Klown


lol thanks Jack.


Yeah I apologize on that part because I see myself personally as a scripter, not a programmer.

I know many a people who consider themselves scripters, and I got caught in that group.

I have no programming experience, than that of RGSS.

It's nice to know someone fixes this in a sense of the programmer's way rather than the rmxp scripter's way.
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