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About "AI" Characters.

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
In RPG maker 2000 I believe it was, it gave the option to make a character "AI

Level 90
Ahh yes! I want this option too, for like.. guest characters kinda like in FFTactics!!

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude

Before you post BlueXx, this CAN NOT be solved with events, it's literaly impossible to do with events.

*cough* with that out of the way

This would require and extreemly complex script, well not for what you're asking, but for true AI, setting the characters stats, giving him personality, fighting styles, developing the character through the game, etc.

I'll eventualy work on this (for Minarki *now called something else, but I'm too lazy to check right now, probably will change it again*) I'll finish the game at some point.
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 91
Quote from: Tsunokiette

Before you post BlueXx, this CAN NOT be solved with events, it's literaly impossible to do with events.

*cough* with that out of the way

This would require and extreemly complex script, well not for what you're asking, but for true AI, setting the characters stats, giving him personality, fighting styles, developing the character through the game, etc.

I'll eventualy work on this (for Minarki *now called something else, but I'm too lazy to check right now, probably will change it again*) I'll finish the game at some point.

is that a challange tsu boy?

well, i can do it.
i can i can i can

but it will:
a. not show the char unless it attacks
b. the char won't be attackable
c. the party will lose even though that "extra" char is alive

but i guess for something with AI not being hitable and the party losing despite it being there is not too horrible.

i'll give you a hint tsu boy, battle commands, triggered to work every each and one of the turns (yes the AI char gonna be the first to attack every turn, but that's the price you pay.)

pwned ;)

as for other stuff:
normal events in every cutscene anywhere with it, though it won't be in your party
switches turned on and off to enable and disable the char inside the battles
personality.. er.. messages -.-
fighting styles= skills to use randomly depends on hp
stats= setting this thing's power= dealing more damage or something Oo
holy shit my sig was big!

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
lol, but that 'AI' would only be usefull in an AQ style game. Yes I know what battle commands are, but it wouldn't achieve the effect wanted.
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 90
Actually I think you might be able to do it with events, but it would be VERY VERY limited in way of AI, and a script would be not only better, but much easier than trying to do it though events.  Tsuno knows a lot about RPG maker, so I trust him when he says that you would need a script, events would just be very long, complex, may cause lag, and may not even work.

The bad news is that I'm not so much of a scripter, else I would attempt a script for this, but if you do try to do this with an event, you may be able to get away with clever use of Status effects, common events, and battle commands.

Now I'll warn you that this is probably going to be more bother than it's worth considering the shear amount of complicated conditional branches, variables, and other factors to factor in.  In short I would either advise you to find a script if possible, or just work around it and do the best you can without it, if you do *NEED* it, then try playing around for a bit with the above items, maybe you can find a 'solution' for yourself, but again I would advise against it.

Maybe if I find some free time or I feel the need for a challenge I may take this up, but for now I'm sticking to thinking that it's not worth it.
Eclipse: Darkness Arising
-Currently in development

Level 91
trust me it's less limited than you think and less complicated than you think, and it's working
btw echo, where did you go? haven't seen you here for a hella long time

and hmm tsu if you say so..
ill try making a demo of it asap and we will see if it's really that limited
and er.. what's AQ? Oo
holy shit my sig was big!

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
Quote from: blueXx
trust me it's less limited than you think and less complicated than you think, and it's working
btw echo, where did you go? haven't seen you here for a hella long time

and hmm tsu if you say so..
ill try making a demo of it asap and we will see if it's really that limited
and er.. what's AQ? Oo

Adventure Quest
"The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs

They’re bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I’m the only one, I’m the only one."

Level 90
Been busy with school, searching for college, and other things.  Depending how much work you put into it it can be flexable, however it would take alot of work to make it what I would consider 'smart'.  :^^:
Eclipse: Darkness Arising
-Currently in development

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
~The Vengful Spirit of Shattered Ideals~
Quote from: Tsunokiette

Before you post BlueXx, this CAN NOT be solved with events, it's literaly impossible to do with events.

*cough* with that out of the way

This would require and extreemly complex script, well not for what you're asking, but for true AI, setting the characters stats, giving him personality, fighting styles, developing the character through the game, etc.

I'll eventualy work on this (for Minarki *now called something else, but I'm too lazy to check right now, probably will change it again*) I'll finish the game at some point.

aren't the monsters already AI, maybe you could make a script which follows some of those presets?

Level 91
the monsters' AI is mostly defined in db, otherwise they just attack randomly and often act seriously stupid
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 90
hey blueXx, that wouldn't be bad for like a special move or summon, or say that the person that joins as that AI is like a spectre or something.

It can act as something like ODIN from Final Fantasy 8 does. I could probably use something like that in my game :wink:

Level 91
Thanks For Coming
Anything can be done with events, but half the time its pointless because its way to complex for a newbie to understand  :roll:

A script is a much easier way, and I remember Juliette saying she was working on one.