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Name's Constance

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Level 89
Hello all.

Name's Constance.

I'll make this short and to the point.

I'm here to help.

I'm a master at rpgmaker xp. If you don't know what that is your an idiot.

If you look at most of the most active english forums you'll see my RPGMaker Tutorial 1 for noobs tutorial. That long tutorial I made a while back.

I've also helped with alot of other things. If you've ever used character maker v2 I made resources for that program. Like 75% of them. I never got credit for them though  :blink:  . Damn you Saphiro.

I've made plenty of scripts but just to tired to show them all. Here's my most recent script. It's a CMS (Custom Menu System).

I'm the go-to guy if your having trouble with a script or rmxp in general. Point blank.

I'm an admin at over 4 forums and a mod at another 3. Lots of work on my hands but I find the time to do other things as well.

Personal info:

I'm 16 years old. I live in Clarksville, Tennessee. I have 1 brother (28 yrs. old) and no sisters. I'm black (*big plus huh?). I bowl alot. I get laid alot. I just live a good life.

My favorite color: Black
My favorite drink: Coca-Cola Zero/ any diet coke
My favorite game: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
My favorite site: RMXP - Underground
My favorite pasttime: Scripting (seriously)
My favorite food: Nachos

What I want to be: Computer Technician/Computer Specialist

I joined because I didn't know Shadow Wolf had a site. I feel it's only fair to join an active member's forum if ever you have one.

BTW: I own my own rmxp forum. It's in the sig if ever you want to join.

You'll get to know me quite well around here.

Would you like to support a new rmxp community? If so then you should join:

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2011 Most Unsung Member2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
Well that's possibly one of the biggest welcome posts ever.

You seem to have no forum shyness so I'll direct you here and here to let everybody get to know you some more.

Welcome to crankeye.com
bringing sexy back

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
Cool, I like nachos. Not my favorite, but pretty high up there. I see you're from Tennessee. I'm from Kentucky, so we aren't too far apart.

Well, welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay, and I hope that you'll be here for a while.

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
Hey! Welcome in to the forums.  8) I'm ZXM!

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Welcome to the forums.
Do you want to be part of a growing Gaming Community, with many galleries, comics, active community, and gfx artists? Also known to be friendly. Also want some free anime music just for signing up? Play in the arcade?

Click Community Forums to join!

< Zelda Fan Club

Level 91
Ignore what i say. I'm never here anyway
If you post outside the sewer, don't expect me to see it.

Welcome dude..

Level 89
Thank you all for your warming welcomes.

I usually don't get much attention.

Thank you.
Would you like to support a new rmxp community? If so then you should join:

Level 91
Captain Fucking Callahan
welcome Constance hope you have fun here. :lol:
"Always remember the best form of revenge is to better yourself." -ZV

Level 89
Thanks I will.
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Level 90
Welcome Constance (i'm slipknot)!

And in his forum are bigger welcome topics.

Level 89
Hey Slip! Didn't expect to meet you here!

And it's just a small forum so I try to welcome all my members.

Thanks for your welcome.
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Level 89
I hope it's ok, but I wanted to announce to crankeye that I have returned.

If you all remember me, I made a couple of good window tutorials, a great windows noob tutorial (probably the best tut ever), and some really good scripts.

I was the nobody who came from nowhere.

I recently had computer problems and was working on maintaining an almost dead forum. It's back now and it's doing great.

So I'm back into rmxp and I'm still around.

You'll get to see me around guys. Thanks for this opportunity.

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Level 90
i was wondering were u been srry if u dont know be but i have seen your posts welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay i got a zoo sort of

Level 92
One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
Well, welcome back.  8)
DEATH: Master of Time, your life is at it's end! Mwahahahaha!
MOT: Whatever, dude *throws crumpled piece of paper at Death and runs away*

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
hey hey, welcome back!

I love Firerain
Level 97
Arlen is hot.

Level 90
Welcome back!

Level 89
@wild - yeah I remember you man. You were awesome.

Thanks for the warming welcomes guys. Feel free to view my upcoming scripts I will post for this community.
Would you like to support a new rmxp community? If so then you should join:

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
Welcome back

Damn constance i didn't expect you here its sammerjammer! (Please stop spelling my name wrong though stop saying slammerjammer) LOL whats up?!?!