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More questions. sry.

Started by Ayden, January 02, 2006, 01:17:51 AM

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1. I have this problem with chests. When I set it to move event when i use action buton, insad of opening and stoping it continues to go through all the difrent chests. it wont even make the open animation.

2. Can you make animated battle sprites and how?

3.I know this has been asked b4 but i'll just throw it in hewre anyways. How do i make it so tat you can unlock new lasses? not when you beat the game but like for doing some side quest you could unloc the druid class, or the bard class.

4. Is there a way that i can make it so that you pic the next skill insted of just seting certain ones to difrent lvls?

5. is it posible to make it so that you can create your character? like pic its race, class, gender, and startinf weapon out of a starting weapon other than displaying a mesege with a button to select?

6. full screen game any one?

7. changing icons, how the hell do you do that and how do I make my own?

8. How do i import my own logos into the game?

Um if any one finds a real time batle system please let me know.

9. When I go to set the status resistence for a monster it says a b c d e f, what do those mean?

10. Im having trouble with the flash screne event. it doesnt want to flash.

11.Is there any one who has made a night and day event for xp? cause i tried my own in like 50 difrent ways and it wont work.

12.I have trouble making it so that at certain points in the game you stop moving and it will show like a little event thing like making it so that your character controlls itsef for a bit and like walks to a certain place. didja get that?

Ok I think that thats all. And plz dont kill me for asking yet another bajillion questions.

Check out my website for details about my upcoming game


Oh and also does any one know how to make it so that the other charafcters folow you around but attack enemys automaticaly? And also How I an switch the character that Im controlling and have it so that the one recently controled folows the curent one.

Check out my website for details about my upcoming game


Quote from: Ayden1. I have this problem with chests. When I set it to move event when i use action buton, insad of opening and stoping it continues to go through all the difrent chests. it wont even make the open animation.

2. Can you make animated battle sprites and how?

3.I know this has been asked b4 but i'll just throw it in hewre anyways. How do i make it so tat you can unlock new lasses? not when you beat the game but like for doing some side quest you could unloc the druid class, or the bard class.

4. Is there a way that i can make it so that you pic the next skill insted of just seting certain ones to difrent lvls?

5. is it posible to make it so that you can create your character? like pic its race, class, gender, and startinf weapon out of a starting weapon other than displaying a mesege with a button to select?

6. full screen game any one?

7. changing icons, how the hell do you do that and how do I make my own?

8. How do i import my own logos into the game?

Um if any one finds a real time batle system please let me know.

9. When I go to set the status resistence for a monster it says a b c d e f, what do those mean?

10. Im having trouble with the flash screne event. it doesnt want to flash.

11.Is there any one who has made a night and day event for xp? cause i tried my own in like 50 difrent ways and it wont work.

12.I have trouble making it so that at certain points in the game you stop moving and it will show like a little event thing like making it so that your character controlls itsef for a bit and like walks to a certain place. didja get that?

Ok I think that thats all. And plz dont kill me for asking yet another bajillion questions.

Ill answer someof your questions.

2. go to database and choose animation.

5. Of course you can. go to database ounce agian and click on hero or class. can put it in full screen but i forgot what butten you press.

7.go to resource maneger to import icons and go to database and then pick items.

8.go to resource maneger

11. you can just get a script

12. you need a tutorial for that.

13. you need to get the caterpiller script for that

If you hate snakes then theres a 100% chance that i hate you!

Dont click here ------>


Um... Ok well thx for the help but I think maybe I should be more specific.
Oh and Im using XP Version

2. I mean make it so that the sprites are moving around, not just standing in one pose the whole time.

5. I mean before the game strarts the player kinda creates the basics of his/her character.

7. I mean the icon that will apear on my desktop

11. where?

12. where?

13. I know about that. I mean a script that would enable them to atk in a real time battle system on there own. Als o how do I get thte catipillar script to work? I put it in the sript database thingy and it doesnt do anything.

Check out my website for details about my upcoming game

Jesse 015

To make it full screen you press alt+enter, and for the night day thing go in scripts and find the night/day script by crankeye
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker


Serpent was more helpful than unhelpful to you <.<;;

1.  With the chest... DO NOT click Move Animation.  Unless the sprite is re arranged that will not work properly, you simply have to make multiple event pages and such, or you could rearrange the sprite.

2.  Theres a script that kinda err... Does something like that, making the sprites is the hard part.

3.  Actually wanna figure that one out myself.

4.  You most likely need a script.  Another way is to buy skills as items, or you could make sets of quests... make everything give you physically 0 exp and at the end of the quest make it so your hero levels up.

5.  Hmm, well I also want to know that one.  Most likely able to do it as a script.

6.  I have a main edit so the game starts full screen

7.  Import / Export

8.  Resource Manager.  Pictures.  Title Screen.  Gameover.  Whatever.

9.  Assuming C = 100% lets go with this... A = 200% B = 150% C = 100% D = 50% E = 0% F = -50(-100?)% Success Chance... Of course that could just be element thus making it be like A = 100% b = 80% C = 60% D = 40% E = 20% F = 0% chance.

10.  Not sure what you meen, if you have the frames set to 1 you won't notice that.  I believe RMXP plays at about 14 frames a second.

11.  Scripts, not hard to find.

12.  In the choose event thing, 2nd tab... move event.  Set the event to be moved the player.

13.  Squad Based Action Battle Script, found on

Hope I helped.

King Anesis

Quote1. I have this problem with chests. When I set it to move event when i use action buton, insad of opening and stoping it continues to go through all the difrent chests. it wont even make the open animation.

2. Can you make animated battle sprites and how?

3.I know this has been asked b4 but i'll just throw it in hewre anyways. How do i make it so tat you can unlock new lasses? not when you beat the game but like for doing some side quest you could unloc the druid class, or the bard class.

4. Is there a way that i can make it so that you pic the next skill insted of just seting certain ones to difrent lvls?

5. is it posible to make it so that you can create your character? like pic its race, class, gender, and startinf weapon out of a starting weapon other than displaying a mesege with a button to select?

6. full screen game any one?

7. changing icons, how the hell do you do that and how do I make my own?

8. How do i import my own logos into the game?

Um if any one finds a real time batle system please let me know.

9. When I go to set the status resistence for a monster it says a b c d e f, what do those mean?

10. Im having trouble with the flash screne event. it doesnt want to flash.

11.Is there any one who has made a night and day event for xp? cause i tried my own in like 50 difrent ways and it wont work.

12.I have trouble making it so that at certain points in the game you stop moving and it will show like a little event thing like making it so that your character controlls itsef for a bit and like walks to a certain place. didja get that?

Ok I think that thats all. And plz dont kill me for asking yet another bajillion questions.

Would you people stop yelling SCRIPTS SCRIPTS. You can do most of this stuff with events that you probably never knew.

1. Try to get something like this:

2. Well you can't make them, but you can use battle animations to make it seem like they are animated, or you can make an Action Battle System (script and event both work here).

3. Well you can make duplicates of the hero you want to use that class, and give one his normal one, and the other his new one, and then make a system that changes between them whichever the player wants.

4. Yes if you want to make a custom levelling up system, in which case an event-based Action Battle System would work.

5. Yes, you just have to use the change hero name, change hero class, change hero graphic event commands wisely.

6. ALT + ENTER (Return)

7. Import/Export.

8. I'm not sure you can do that before the game, but I'm sure you can make an opening credits scence if you wanted to.

Real time, like an Action Battle System? Event codes are best handles.

9. Each letter stands for a certain resistance level, one being the monster gets hit harder, the other weaker. Look above, he/she has it explained well.

10. Flash Screen, make sure the saturation not at low.

11. You can do that with simple event commands, if you know variables of course. Give me some time and I'll try to cook one up.

12. Yes, just put your event on Auto-Start, that way hero wont be able to move.
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OK thnx a ton guys and sorry for being such a godamn noob. :oops:

Check out my website for details about my upcoming game

King Anesis

Dont be sorry, everyone was a noob at some point.
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< Zelda Fan Club


Quote from: deadly_diabloDont be sorry, everyone was a noob at some point.

The sad truth.

Anyway what Ayden wanted on question 5 I believe was...  Being able to do create your own hero, like... I could probably draw up a custom screen for it in Photoshop.  Ayden wants all the stuff in one screen basically and have it be more than message boxes.

And actually on number 2, There is a script in  You need like 30 different stances and movements etc for it though.

I could find it, but it only comes with 1 sprite.


Don't be sorry. It's what this forum exist for.


Oh oh another thing. How do I make it so that you can view the mini map and also so it will show you what part your on? And I got the squad script thingy but I dont know wxatly how to insert it right cause its devided up inot like 3 parts so Im sorta confused on it all. thx for all the help. :D

Check out my website for details about my upcoming game


never apologise for not knowing somthing there is so much out their no one can learn it all and also keep in mind i once was a newbie too

and btw: n00b refers to someone who is anoying not to someone who is new.


Ok heres a few more problems I'm  having.

um whered we leav off? 14? ok.

14. I was wondering if its posible to make it so that the logos come before the main menu, like in 2k3 version. I wanted to have the creators (me) sigt name, the rpg maker logo, and the game rating all before the main menu.

15. I am using the ring menu and was wondering if theres a way to make it so that instead of displying the characters in it, it would show the face set pic.

ok thts all for now. I hope this isnt considerd bring up a dead topic. I just didnt want to make a new one.

Check out my website for details about my upcoming game