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Request: Teleport Script

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Rep: +0/-0Level 90
~The Vengful Spirit of Shattered Ideals~
I need a script which allows the teleport feature to teleport to several spots of my choosing (randomly selcting one place out of the choosen, to teleport to), basicly i need a random teleport script of some sort, i am not sure if this has been done before, but i would appreciate any help

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
This can be done in an event by generating a random number then using conditional branches. Like:

Code: [Select]
<>Variable:[0001:random teleport] = Random (1..3)
<>Conditional Branch: Variable:[0001:random teleport] == 1
<>Teleport [001: Map001], (007,005)
: end

<>Conditional Branch: Variable:[0001:random teleport] == 2
<>Teleport [001: Map001], (005,008)
: end

<>Conditional Branch: Variable:[0001:random teleport] == 3
<>Teleport [001: Map001], (006,007)
: end

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
~The Vengful Spirit of Shattered Ideals~
Cheers, i need to work on my scripting skills, i'm still a n00b, lol

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
no worries, glad i could help  :). btw thats not scripting its just event editing.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
~The Vengful Spirit of Shattered Ideals~