don't auto start.. it's only of use for intros it's bah -.-
what you want to do is something like:
make a parallel process and do:
If switch(rock reset)=on then
-and so on.
-switch(rock reset)=on
under the if, but outside of it, make a condition for each rock
if rock1=0 then
-switch(dead rock1)=on
-switch(dead rock1)=off
-change rock1's graphics(normal stone)
(note: the else is here so that if you'll do some "rock reviving" npcs the rocks will return to life)
now make the rock events, setted on action key
if switch(dead rock1)=off then
-dead rock=dead rock-1
-mining exp= mining exp+1
-change items: ore+1
-rock1= rock1 -1
-change graphics(stone pile)
-message: looks like you wasted the entire rock!
to the rock thingy you can of course add randomize, d"d alread explained it