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Sleep in RPGM XP

Started by Bond Extreme, December 21, 2005, 03:48:54 AM

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Bond Extreme

I use RPGM XP. My question is in that version how to sleep a few seconds with the music in it and obviously fade the screen out. Please someone help!
It would help me out alot if you would visit my James Bond site. thankyou


Lets see.. This is how I did mine..You hit the innkeeper, and t plays a music effect as the screen fades to black..then a save menu is shown and my party is healed completely...usually how most save/rest points work.

Make a new event, set the graphic to whatever, a bed or an innkeeper or whatever you want. Make sure you set the Trigger to 'Action Button'

[Edit] This is what should be in the event commands section, sorry I wasn't clear before:

Show Text: "Would you like to rest" (or something)

Show Choices: Yes, No

When [Yes]
 Play Music Effect (or sound effect, or whatever)

 Change Screen Tone (-255 -255 -255, 0 @ 20 frames) (if you want it to fade to black)

 Wait (X) Frames (150 was enough to let the music effect play out for me)

 Call Save Menu

 Recover All:Entire Party

 Change Screen Tone (0,0,0,0 @ 20 frames) (To fade the screen back in)

When [No]

Branch End
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Bond Extreme

Now are these events in the XP version?
It would help me out alot if you would visit my James Bond site. thankyou

Season In The Abyss

That thing should work, the events are all correct.


Yeah its in XP, sorry for not specifying.
Game: Tears of Kahlandris
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Bond Extreme

Ok. Thanks! I got it to work. :)
It would help me out alot if you would visit my James Bond site. thankyou


Not  a problem. Woo I helped someone!
Game: Tears of Kahlandris
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