It's a horsey stable, its supposed to be small. :^^:
Even so, you still need the switch...
If you trigger the 'runaway' event by touching the mousey, he runs away, and doesn't stop...the event keeps going, so if you go up to the side of him, he won't run away again, because he's still running away from where you touched him the first time.
Thats why I used 'turn away from player' and 'move 1 step forward' six or seven times. he'll run for a few steps, get some distance from me, then the switch resets the event and he continues to scurry around randomly again, searching for scraps of food. :^^:
So..If i didn't use a switch, and I did have a big map like you suggested, he would just run away off the screen...and then....and then I'd never see him again! :cry: