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Two more Newbie Questions

Started by mikerz119, December 18, 2005, 06:15:58 PM

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Hi everyone. Thanks for helping on the Bank system. It helped me learn about variables. Now I am back with 2 more questions.

1. I got the import thing down right. But when I import a monster it still shows the white background from the picture when the sprite appears in the game. How do I make it so it only shows the monster like the sprites that come with RPG Maker 2000?

2. On the World Map properties, I know how to set the random monster battles. But how would I make the random battles different for say, Forrest areas of the map?

All help is appreciated. I am going to post a demo of my game after this. Thank you.

P.S.: I'm using RPG Maker 2000


Okay, for the second question, you simply make sure that the tileset, that Forest's are set as forests Terrain. THen you go to the monster groups, and set the one you only want on the Forest, to only appear in the forest :)

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The Moogle

for the monster import, edit the monster in paint. Open it up and  an rtp monster. then use the color dropper/selecter/whatever on the rtp background. then go to costum colors (on the rtp and import). copy all the stuff for the rtp color to a costum color for the import. Now use the fill bucket (import) and use the new color as the back ground. Save the import (not the rtp) and close them both. Then try to import the monster again.

Unless I say so, I'm using RPG Maker XP.


The moogle I can't quite understand that...

The Moogle

i was afraid of that....

what exactly don't you get?

Unless I say so, I'm using RPG Maker XP.


its sprite editor/maker talk...
to make it simple open up a monster that works and a monster that you need to work in paint.go to the backround of the monster that works and press control then click on the backround. then get the bucket and click
on the back round for the monster you need to work :^^:
and if you dont get that your a complete moron

The Moogle

it won't work like that in paint 8)

you need to make a custom color for the import  :wink:

and to do this, after getting the sample color from the working pic, go to to custom colors. (Colors->Edit colors, then double click a white space)

also you need to go to custom colors on the import. Now copy all the numbers from the custom colors of the pic the works to the pic that doesn't work. Now on the pic that doesn't work use the paint bucket to fill the background.

Get it now?

Unless I say so, I'm using RPG Maker XP.


okie dokie i use paint shop pro so i said how to do it in there
i just beat the game GUN and your avatar maks me wanna shoot a methane leak with a dynamite arrow so youre cowboy moogle will die