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Interactive NPC Tutorial and more to come...

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Level 90
I thought i might give it a try and make a tut.  

My tuts are over events, and i plan to do more and make them harder as i progress.
This is my Basic Event Tutorials.

This Tutorial is one in a series of Tutorials
I am going to make concentrating on events.

1. Interactive NPC

Ok first you have to have a map with some npc's so I am
just going to use one of the maps form my game.

Ok in my map I have 3 guards guarding the path to the castle.
What i want them to do is ask me a question and when I answer
it right they will let me thought.
I am just going to use the guy I have in the middle as the
guy you need to talk to to pass.

OK Open up the middle guards event.

Ok now we need to make a question to ask the player.  
Make a new message and add type in your question.
I am going to use this.....

Guard: What business do you have at Garn Castle?

Your code should look like this now.

Ok now that we have our question we need to make so
choices from which the player can chose form. First go
to the first page of events and add a "show choices"
then add all the choices you want the player to be able
to chose from.  Here

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Nice Tutorial, i think it's really helpful for beginners

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
hey graywolf, nice tut!!!! for begginers it

Level 90
thanks everyone.  they will get harder as they go one My goal is to have 10 event tuts.

Done it before, but nice tut anyways. I had to figure it out the hard way, though.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
{off topic} Can you send your cursor and your windows theme as they rock (danielgalvin1@hotmail.com)


Current Project: Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee

Level 91
Thanks For Coming
Quote from: Shakespeare
{off topic} Can you send your cursor and your windows theme as they rock (danielgalvin1@hotmail.com)


Use PM next time  :evil:

Nice tut Graywolf, 8/10

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
good tut but REALY simple i figured out how to do this in the first ten minutes or so of having rpgxp

Level 91
you'll be shocked but some people can't figure out simple stuff, the craziest fact around is that some people can't understand variables which are nothing but 3rd grade math even after a month or 2..

so just cus you knew it doesn't mean any1 else at all knew it , so avoid posting messages like it in the future Xx
(sort of make those who didn't understand it feel stupid and all.. Xx)
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Quote from: blueXx
you'll be shocked but some people can't figure out simple stuff, the craziest fact around is that some people can't understand variables which are nothing but 3rd grade math even after a month or 2..

so just cus you knew it doesn't mean any1 else at all knew it , so avoid posting messages like it in the future Xx
(sort of make those who didn't understand it feel stupid and all.. Xx)


Rep: +0/-0Level 89
This is cool, thanks :D

Level 92
Welcome Poster of Year 2006 Award
Nice work graywolf. You know you could use variables to make the NPC say random things?

(off topic, why did it have to be xp..)
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Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
..... now i feel really stupid  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  i cant figure out how to end the event after he moves out of the way  :cry:

Level 91
Good job. This will answer many questions that beginners have.

Level 91
Quote from: biohazard
..... now i feel really stupid  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  i cant figure out how to end the event after he moves out of the way  :cry:

Oo graywolf did an extra page using the page buttons on the top of the event screen, precondition it with a switch and once you activate the switch it will only show that "page"

d"d 4 days too late but it's the very same thing for rm2k and rm2k3 with only minor changes it's mainly a thing of finding how they called the buttons in 2k/2k3 and making it there
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Sorry I just can't hold myself to thanks graywolf for that tutorial for n3wbie like me, actually yesterday I also can't figure out the last part where the guard ask me to move along. Hehez..(yesterday I'm too tired to think :p ) Got it working today . biohazard just make sure after you had put the Control Self Switch: A =ON (the even is Control Self Switch) next, you create a new page and do what shown on the pic -> http://webzoom.freewebs.com/graywolfxx/images/Eventut10.PNG
wolf rockz =p

Resident Cloud
Level 91
you could do it with varibles for added effect

if varible 1:saved pigs=0
message: go save those pigs
if varible 1:saved pigs=1
meassage: great 4 more to go
if varible 1:saved pigs=5
message: great you have saved the pigs now you may pass to see the king to get your reward.
then get the event to move

Level 91
lolz condtioning every if maybe come in painful
i suggest item collecting in loop form

-if item (pig) is in the inventory then
--item(pig ) -1
--variable pigs+1
--if variable(pig) >=5 then
---message: omg omg omg you found all the piggies!!!!!
---you still need to find \v[pigs] more pigs :(
--end loop

something like that, it should work , might need tweaking but that's a better way and you could easily ask for 100 items that way

also- in order not to take more than the npc need you can condition the pig taking to until pigs are 5 or more and so on
holy shit my sig was big!

Resident Cloud
Level 91
eh! that makes more sense

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
You could also use that for a collection-type quest that spans the whole game...where you've got to collect a large number of items, except i think you wouldn't want to take the item out of your inventory...but i wonder if you could make the label of the item in the inventory display how many you've collected? A la-

Inventory Menu

Thing - 2
Another thing -4
Thing you're collecting 8/50
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Level 91
meh the inventory shows how many of each items you got
if you need more than 99 you can't though

but yes, loops are very good and they can easily help you do a quest that requires large amounts of items from all over the game
holy shit my sig was big!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
meh the inventory shows how many of each items you got

Well of course it displays how many you currently have.

C'mon now..I'm new but I'm not stupid.

But is there a way to make it show how many of said item you have left to collect?

Example: Pieces of the Puzzle: 8/50
Game: Tears of Kahlandris
|||||||||| Demo = 10%
Click here for game info! http://www.crankeye.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4756

Level 91
surely you don't want it in the inventory, it can be done in the quest easily by putting:
you still need \v(item left variable) more items
which of course you can do with the item too

make the item and link it to a common event
and then do:
if switch(quest is on) then {cause you sort of want the quest to be on}
-message: you still need to hand over \v(items left variable) /50

or something like that...

a bit stupid though and it cannot count what you still got too without removing them unless you'll double loop, first one reduce the items and reduce the amount from items left variable and the 2nd one use the amount of reducing variable to add items back , or something of sort...

and still, wouldn't it be more logical if the player only found out how many more he need when he starts the quest and whenever he hands items over?
holy shit my sig was big!