er...wouldn't that be a .. too simple moving down?
nothing happens like that... u just.... move down Xx
you aren't even capable of moving.. thats not even good's just silly..
anyways, the only thing u need to know is that mini games and common events don't mix too well..
normal events are the way for u
making blackjack is simple, make 4 variables for starters
2 for the dealer, 2 for u
as u start the came random all of them 1 to 13
add a line of
if any variable=1 then
-show choice
thus allowing the gamer to choose the value
now you add a "hit me" option to the player and a double, assuming u know what they both mean
and then make new variables to any xtra card ull possibly be taking with a max of card (i am not sure but i think the max is 5)
at all times if the player is over 21 he auto lose
thats about the end of the player part, then u move to the dealer
remember- your dealer cheats!
you show the player 1 card since u must but the dealer will know all of your cards, plan your dealer so that if the player's final number is over 21 he won't draw anything so he can win
otherwise make it so the dealer will keep pulling until he is either over 21 or at or over the number the player had, a draw is better for the dealer than losing so when u make the pulling condition put lower and not equal to the player's
that should be it
as for actuall snowboarding, thats hella loads of more work to make, u basicly want an event to move and not the player, while the player is unseen but can move left right and middle, and those moves will effect the way the event will move, i still haven't fully figured out how to make it but i am getting there