Engine: RMVX Ace
Length: 20-30 minutes
Full Release Date: 28th August
Price: Free! The full game will be $2.99
This game has been floating around the internet for a little while now, but since its just under a week till its full release I figured I'd drop a review!
To start off, this game is hands down one of the most creative and beautiful RM games I've ever played. It's seriously on a whole other level. Custom sound, graphics, incredible atmosphere - if you're looking for a shining example of what RPG Maker can do, this game is
The game follows a nameless protagonist as she guides a young girl home, leading to the start of a bizarre and unsettling adventure. A simple premise, but the games story, thus far, is utterly chilling. I had to actually take a minute to stop while playing as one part in particular really hit me pretty hard. Aside from the graphics, the gameplay itself is fairly simple, with a few well thought-out puzzles and some platforming-esque segments. There is one part at the end of the demo that is mildly frustrating. however, as it requires a fair bit of trial-and-error while under pressure (if you play it, you'll doubtlessly see what I mean).
The writing is solid, and the dialogue and characters are utterly charming. There are 2 in particular that I liked very much, and hope (sort of) to see more of in the full game! Animated character portraits and a huge amount of sprite animation makes everything pop, giving life to the dream-like world of the game. The game also makes a huge amount of use of the video feature of VX Ace, with animated sequences in game and an animated game over screen. I was basically blown away by the amount of effort put into this game - and I was even more impressed when I found out neither creator had ever used RPG maker before!
Overall, this is a wonderful taste of a very enjoyable horror game, and I honestly cannot wait for the full game!
I give it a 8/10 - only because its just a demo! I'll probably write a review of the full game when its out. This is really not to be missed and I urge you to try it!
Check the game out on steam greenlight here: