Sounds a bit weird, but here's why:
I run an event that causes an event to move slowly for (say) 8 seconds. By the end, it can move normal again. I can't use a parallel process because this "slow" can happen to different events at different times within that 8 sec time-slot. Thus, one parallel process that controls it all will end the "slow" for all at once as opposed to each individual event per their time-frame.
Here's my set-up (just written in my shorthand. No Call Scripts were used or anything):
->ThisEvent.Change speed = 2
->Call Common Event: Slow
->wait 480 frames
->ThisEvent.Change speed = 5
Basically, I'm trying to make the wait command run in the background like a parallel process for each individual event. I tried finding a script to make a wait command run like it does in parallel. I feel like that would be the best solution without making things too complex. Anyone know a script call for that? A solution where you could (in theory) tag a parallel process per event could be another solution if anyone has any ideas. Again, a script to wait would sound easiest.
Thank you in advance!